Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
The losses really suck and no i didnt even go out to see the animals yesterday. Lucky i didnt.

DH and our house guests went out and found we only have 8 piglets left from Sara's litter and she is not letting them nurse. In her defense, there is something really wrong with her. She is cold and shaking like a leaf while it is 45F and she is laying on a pile of manure that is heating. DH thinks she has gone anemic so he gave her a shot of iron. I think she has milk fever so today we are getting some cmpk or Cal-mag-co(whichever is on the shelf) and injectable calcium if she is not better when we get home. We may lose the entire litter as she was not letting them nurse at all yesterday afternoon. The odds of being able to effectively bottle feed them are slim to none, though i did bring up the idea to DH. The bigger problem is Sara being suddenly very very grumpy. So hopefully she is doing better today and lets the piglets nurse.

Pigs bark when they are startled or annoyed. Basically it is a warning to whatever is annoying them or "coming to get them". All of our pigs have barked.

The $200 would not be only because they are half hereford boars, it would be because they are half hereford boars off of some of the top hereford show lines in the US. Backfire's grandpa sold for something like several thousand at 7 months old. I will have to locate his registration paper to look it up again for sure. The only nice thing about pigs is a pig's grandpa might only be 18 months old. Looking up pedigrees on herefords atm is complex to not possible because the once separate National Hereford Hog Association is now being taken over by CPS Swine for the record keeping, there is also a National Swine Association, and a Midwest Hereford Hog Association. Basically...they need to get their act together.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Damn... Sorry once again. Come on Sara! You can do it! :fl


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
I hate this. Every time we have a loss of anything it makes us feel like such failures, failures as care takers, herd managers, farmers, etc. We don't see the "dangers" until after something is already dead or dying and then it is so obvious we dont know how we were so stupid that we didnt think of that.

I know we do the best we can humanly do with what we are working with...just times like this make me want to sell everything and give up. Of course then i go home and spend time with my animals and tell them i'm sorry i let them down and i will do better and i don't really want to sell them.

Blah I hope things improve this year, 2017 was bad enough all on its own to last me for at least 3 years.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
It is very difficult to not get distracted in the whirlwind that ya have been thru....we all have times like that and it is a shame when it comes at a price, but as this year unfolds things will certainly get better for ya as ya have time to prepare your set-up and won't be dealing with "Make Dos" for the animals. Keep your chin up and looking forward and step by step ya will come out of the mist....:)


Loving the herd life
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Middle tenness
I hate this. Every time we have a loss of anything it makes us feel like such failures, failures as care takers, herd managers, farmers, etc. We don't see the "dangers" until after something is already dead or dying and then it is so obvious we dont know how we were so stupid that we didnt think of that.

I know we do the best we can humanly do with what we are working with...just times like this make me want to sell everything and give up. Of course then i go home and spend time with my animals and tell them i'm sorry i let them down and i will do better and i don't really want to sell them.

Blah I hope things improve this year, 2017 was bad enough all on its own to last me for at least 3 years.
But your not alone there are many that follow that path . While one would hope that all would be perfect . It really never is . Seems like your always one disease away from success of failure . So you see they walk hand in hand . Each success means you've done something right . While each failure means you may or may not have done something wrong . Farming and animal care is a labor of love . It is not always for the tender hearted . But a tender loving heart is a must to succeed with some animals . You will win and you will lose , there is no greater lose than not to try at all . Strength comes from within and is the ability to face heartache and march forward toward the future . Knowledge and wisdom come from failure . Never be afraid to fail and except failure with dignity . Gather you knowledge, and proceed on with your chosen task. Perhaps this will be your best year yet . Good luck .


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
The difference is, now you have your own home and are not subject to the whims of a mentally disturbed landlord. You had to move and move quickly without any time to get your new home prepared for your animals. I think the two of you have done outstanding in light of all the obstacles thrown in our way. Spring is coming and y'all will be very busy getting things the way you want them. It will get better.

Sometimes I feel like a lousy (insert animal here) mommy. When I find a dead, dying or it just died in my arms, I feel like the worst animal owner ever. I cry, I grieve, sometimes I get mad and cuss everything wrong in my world. None of it makes any difference, but a hug on a big hairy dog or my big goofy gelding licking my arm, sure makes me feel better.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Gotta second the big ole' hug on a big hairy dog for feeling better... I am generally more comfortable with dogs than people (I don't know well). They always make me feel better just being with them.