Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Sounds like the extra 8 miles to the other mill are worth it!
It does seem to be worth it so far, time will tell.

I hope the new feed continues to help your animals improve. We drive an hour to buy our horse feed. When we have pigs, they get it too, it has everything the pigs need except lysine. So we give the pigs boiled eggs for the lysine in the yolks.
I'm not sure what the mill did to their feed but it is definitely different. It used to be after we feed the animals they would lounge around or mostly ignore us, for months after they eat they are still freaking out for more food so we give them a larger ration same thing. As i said we have done this and upped them all the way up to 25/lb per head/day for pigs and they still are not gaining weight and acting hungry all the time. When we asked to see the feed analysis and found out they have never actually had the feed checked and have just been printing off the same tag, we decided that was the last straw.

We didnt get anything done yesterday, DH is sick again and it was raining and "cold" all day so we just hung out in the house and I did house work.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Word will get around on the feed mill and they will wonder why they are going out of business.

Sometimes you need a day to stay in and take it easy. Raining here too, I went out in the rain, picked English peas, mustard greens, lettuce and a few green onions. Supper tonight will be good!


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Not a lot of farm related things going on this weekend. The weather was chilly at best. We did have our foster daughter's birthday party this weekend and it went well. She had 7 of her friends over, we did hamburgers, hot dogs, salad, corn on the cob and of course cake. I asked her what kind of cake she wanted, she said i dunno one covered in sprinkles. I immediately thought of a hot fudge Sunday caked(i've been wanting to make one for like a year) and asked her how about half covered in sprinkles...lol...so thats what she got.

The only change I made was that she wanted vanilla cake instead of chocolate so i did french vanilla and it worked out great. Yes I know in the picture there is one cherry still missing, I was putting them on when DH stopped me cause he wanted pictures for some reason.
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Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
So Friday night our hot water heater died....Sunday we put in a new 50 gallon one. So yay for that problem solved.

I called to talk to my mom on Saturday. My dad answered and told me my mom was asleep, I said I would call back later to talk to her...thats when he told me what was actually going on which no one thought I should be informed of. So here is the story of current/recent events.

Last Sunday the 4/28 my mom fell down and could not get back up, she was to weak. So my dad called my BIL to come over and help him get my mom on the couch(BIL is a nurse). My mother has not been able to get off the couch since. She has also now been sleeping for 72 hrs straight. She also has fluid in her lungs which they have not seeked medical help for because it's probably the cancer and nothing that can be done. Meanwhile my sister and BIL left town for the week. So here is my dad sitting at home with my mom with her restricted to the couch, and now asleep for a few days...and he didn't tell anyone. As you may have guessed I love my dad and I feel for him for what he is going thru, however I really am annoyed and upset that he didn't tell anyone.

I saw my mom on Easter she appears fine and was walking around, so this is a huge change in only a week after seeing her. I'm also a little upset my mom didnt say anything to me but i do understand she may not be fully herself at this time or capable of thinking of notifying people.

Anyhow I called around to let my Uncle know and my little Brother who lives in Seattle. So my little Brother is making plans to come home for a visit in 2 weeks, if that is soon enough. I am going to my mom's tomorrow to see her for myself and the actual situation and to try to talk my dad into getting hospice in if things really have progressed that far. I do know when my mom and I took care of my grandma when she was dying from cancer, she only made it about a week and a half after she went to sleeping all the time. So if she has not woken up, I know about how much longer we have I believe and i can tell my little Brother. He does not want to miss seeing my mom one last time he also does not know what he is going to do because he can not really afford to make the trip twice in a short window of time. Like a trip here for 4 days to see my mom in a week or two and then a trip back in 3-4 weeks for a funeral. I told him to make it back to see mom and don't worry about the funeral if it comes to it. He is worried about our dad being all alone after mom passes so he wants to be here for a few days for him. I just told him do what you can do but make sure you see mom.

I'm trying to be factual and help my family the best I can during this time, it's really hard and if I think about it to much I can't keep it together so please say some prayers for my mom, my family and me.