Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
What if lightning strikes the trlr and it was to Burn...would they loan ya the money then?.....if ya had it removed from the property, would they loan it then?....can ya section the parcel with the trlr on it out of the collateral for the loan amount ya need? It might be well worth your while to consult a " Land Lawyer" for an understanding of the full options available to you....most intial consults are Free. I am not advocating the destruction of the trlr, but if that is the excuse, remove the barrier. Some insulated rooms in the barn may be home til ga can do better, if the land and opportunity is worth it to you. You are heading into Spring and Summer up there...so, ya have a few mnths to get an add-on to the barn....y'all ever camp for a couple of mnths?
If it doesn't mean That much to ya, then cut the Losses and find a "New Boat" to get ya to where you are going. The only thing is ya both have to be "Paddling" in the same direction, or the boat will never get ya there...cause it is either standing still or flowing in the opposite direction. Life is much too short to be "Bogged Down" into vicious cycles of "Bottomless Pits" that ya never seem to get out of the tar.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
IMHO, cut your losses and run... You told me about another place right around the corner from you that you recommended that I should look into... Maybe you should look into it? Find some acreage with a real house on it and go from there... Or find a "tent home" you can rent monthly for cheap and buy raw land for your farm. You have to keep in mind that the powers that be in this country do NOT want individual farmers anymore... they want huge corporate entities so that they will have full control over our food supply/chain. They don't want individuals able to support themselves and not be controlled. I hope something good happens to/for you to help you get the start you need toward the future you want.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
What about Go Fund Me webpage? people go on there all the time asking for money for ridiculous reasons and get money given to them. Tell your story and see what happens.

Or maybe this isn't the place you are supposed to have. Maybe there is a better one coming up.

Really sorry that ya'll are having to go through this.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
:hugsUghhh so sorry. You can't get a personal loan or anything? Seriously that is obnoxious.

No personal loan my bank only loans up to 25k on personal loans because its actually a credit union i guess...i dunno.

Th land itself is 20 acres and worth $1,500/acre with a dwelling and $500/acre without, plus they add on for the barn, outbuildings, paved road, etc. According to the county it is atm assessed at $22,500 it was assessed at $23,100 when we started our original lease. Lack of building repairs/clean up is making it drop still, if some repairs or something dont get done soon i think 2017 assessment will be $22,200.

Maybe but DH doesn't wanna give up yet.

I can't imagine how frustrating this is for you guys.


What if lightning strikes the trlr and it was to Burn...would they loan ya the money then?.....if ya had it removed from the property, would they loan it then?....can ya section the parcel with the trlr on it out of the collateral for the loan amount ya need? It might be well worth your while to consult a " Land Lawyer" for an understanding of the full options available to you....most intial consults are Free. I am not advocating the destruction of the trlr, but if that is the excuse, remove the barrier. Some insulated rooms in the barn may be home til ga can do better, if the land and opportunity is worth it to you. You are heading into Spring and Summer up there...so, ya have a few mnths to get an add-on to the barn....y'all ever camp for a couple of mnths?
If it doesn't mean That much to ya, then cut the Losses and find a "New Boat" to get ya to where you are going. The only thing is ya both have to be "Paddling" in the same direction, or the boat will never get ya there...cause it is either standing still or flowing in the opposite direction. Life is much too short to be "Bogged Down" into vicious cycles of "Bottomless Pits" that ya never seem to get out of the tar.

The problem with not having a dwelling is the valvue drops to much for the bank to finance then, it goes from 45k to 10k plus some for the barn, outbuildings, etc. The bank can finance us as vacant land or recreation land but because of the lower value of the "land without a dwelling" regardless of the trailer physically being there or not we have to pay 40%($18,000) for a down payment, still have PMI added to our payments and they would prefer if we paid closing costs out of pocket but it might be approved without it. We dont have 18k laying around, we had 20% for the down payment plus some for closing costs and then we lost my brother and everything went sideways and they started charging $700/month rent so now we are down to around 10%, when we talked to the bank we had 20% and it was still a no.

We are also not allowed to simply live in the barn, whether we build rooms or not because we would not have an occupancy permit. To get the permit it would require inspection and the barn would not meet code for living in it. We could camp on the property but again that requires a different permit to allow us to camp, this permit is usually only given when you are building a new home and is a temporary permit for 1 year or less. Our county allows not more then 5 people to camp on one property for not more then 30 days with this permit or being a registered/licensed/inspected campground.

We spent the first year together "camping"... we illegally lived in DH's old bosses rock quarry in a travel trailer. We had electric and a well but no septic which i hated lol. Anyhow there was no rent and we had a 7 acre quarry to let our first goats and our chickens run around on.

I know i am ready to cut our losses but DH does not want too.

IMHO, cut your losses and run... You told me about another place right around the corner from you that you recommended that I should look into... Maybe you should look into it? Find some acreage with a real house on it and go from there... Or find a "tent home" you can rent monthly for cheap and buy raw land for your farm. You have to keep in mind that the powers that be in this country do NOT want individual farmers anymore... they want huge corporate entities so that they will have full control over our food supply/chain. They don't want individuals able to support themselves and not be controlled. I hope something good happens to/for you to help you get the start you need toward the future you want.

All the places I showed you sold already, they were good deals the only things left atm with land are not good deals like 80 acres for 190k(which we dont have near enough money to cover down payment for) or 20 acres for 70k(again not enough for down payment now). There is one place that might work as a back up but it is definitely not ideal. 20acres for 30k no out buildings and the "house" is actually a 890sqft hunting camp built in 1950. Whether the bank would see that as a "homestead" viable place i'm not sure. It does have water, electric, septic, etc. We would need to build shelter for all the animals and put up fencing. It would provide firewood for us, but the clearing area is only about an acre so we would have to fence thru the woods...which wouldnt be horrible for the animals. The other plus is the property backs up to federal land. It's not super great but it would be livable i think.

Another option that just dawned on me is you can look in local adverts for an "angel investor" or advertise for one your self. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_investor

The guy who just turned us down was a private investor. There are two other private investors but their rates are way more shark loan then the first guys and we want to try to avoid them.

What about Go Fund Me webpage? people go on there all the time asking for money for ridiculous reasons and get money given to them. Tell your story and see what happens.

Or maybe this isn't the place you are supposed to have. Maybe there is a better one coming up.

Really sorry that ya'll are having to go through this.

I dunno if crowd-funding would work for us. Generally they are only successful if you have several 100 people (aka your community or company) already promoting it. It's a good thought but a super long shot i think and it would take a long time.

ATM DH wants to keep trying at this place, so we shall. The next option is take out a loan to make up the difference between the money we have and the 9k the land owners originally said they wanted for a land contract and try to do a land contract but there is no way we are doing it for more then $350/month for the payment.

Our car payments are done in 10 months so that will help things out a lot.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I certainly hope ya can work things out, and that the situation does turn in your favor. There wasn't any harsh tone used in my earlier post, it is how my mind and thought process works...just thinking of every avenue...not that ya haven't, but was just exhausting possibilities for ya. Believe me, I'm in your "Corner" and anything worth having is certainly worth fighting for....Good Luck...and my brain will keep churning for ya..:fl :).


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
I certainly hope ya can work things out, and that the situation does turn in your favor. There wasn't any harsh tone used in my earlier post, it is how my mind and thought process works...just thinking of every avenue...not that ya haven't, but was just exhausting possibilities for ya. Believe me, I'm in your "Corner" and anything worth having is certainly worth fighting for....Good Luck...and my brain will keep churning for ya..:fl :).

I didn't take anything as harsh, no worries @CntryBoy777 i have a pretty thick skin and dont take most things in a negative way.

I hope things work out for ya'll.
Thank you @Baymule

I listed the two adult Bond cross rams, the 3-4 month old bond/polypay cross lamb, the suffolk lamb, the twin boer/alpine bucks and the nubian/alpine buck all for sale last thursday.
The bond/polypay cross lamb is being looked at tomorrow and if they like him they will take him Saturday after giving me a deposit thursday. The two adult bond cross rams are on hold until we see if the lady wants the bond/polypay ram lamb and if she does not, the person taking the adult ram wants him.
All 3 bucks kids are awaiting the deposit to arrive, if it shows up they will be on hold until they are 4 weeks old before being send to a golf course a couple hours away to be used as brush hogs so to speak for the native areas of the course.
So the only one not on hold is the suffolk ram lamb. Thankfully DH pointed out i did my math wrong and he was conceived before the bond cross adult rams came..so he is full suffolk which i am much happier about.
So....picture time.

Adult Bond Cross Polled Ram
RAM 2.jpg

Adult Horned Bond Cross Ram
RAM 1.jpg

Bond cross lamb

Suffolk Lamb

Goat kids


Everyone had just woken up so was cold or cold and hungry. The animals are hating this cold snap.