Their "Game" is to make ya "Sweat" Don't.....have Faith and the answer will be The Father's Will....the cicumstances will let ya know whether it is worth it or not....and if not there is a Better place you don't know about yet.....
A child may get upset at the store, because they wanted a lollipop, but didn't know the Ice Cream cone was on the way Home....
I know i know.....the waiting is killing me though. Yesterday my realtor called wanting to know if we were going to close on the 18th, I told him as far as I know yes but still waiting on the bank. The sellers realtor wanted to know to schedule the meeting with the title company.
In other news....
We got a mini pig female last week...they were suppose to hold her until we moved but whatever. So she came to the farm. 3 days ago she farrows with 13 piglets. The dad is a potbelly pig.
Monday evening Spot pig had 11 piglets and Sarah had 10 piglets around 1am last night. Red pig still has not had her piglets yet and Eva is pretty for sure not bred.
Spot pigs piglets....this is at about 4hrs after birth.
This piggie is tired...
Sarah's Piglets about 20 minutes after birth.
Excuse the afterbirth, I did try to not get it in frame but it was late lol.
I do have pics of the mini pig litter but they are on DH's phone.