Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
That oughta be worth a few house notes....they certainly are Cute!!.....take the afterbirth to the bank as "Proof" they are possessed.....:)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
T-7! Wait! If closing is on the 18th, it is T-6!!!

I wasn't aware that pigs were so mobile 4 hours after birth. Figured they were like many other mammals, pretty helpless for some days. You are going to need 1 trip to the new house just for all the pigs!


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
That oughta be worth a few house notes....they certainly are Cute!!.....take the afterbirth to the bank as "Proof" they are possessed.....:)

I don't think that would go over to well but i like the thought lol.

T-7! Wait! If closing is on the 18th, it is T-6!!!

I wasn't aware that pigs were so mobile 4 hours after birth. Figured they were like many other mammals, pretty helpless for some days. You are going to need 1 trip to the new house just for all the pigs!

T-6...ahhh its to soon!!

I know and with one more due we are going to have to make several trips just for pigs. Each momma and babies will need their own trip as we will have to temporarily modify the trailer so the piglets dont get smooshed in the move and one 400-500lb momma in with the babies is plenty enough. So one trip for red, one for spot, one for sara, one for eva and laverne, one for the herefords and the small meat pigs, one for the goats, sheep, mr. pig and llama. Chickens, ducks, guinea, and geese can go in cages in the back of the truck. Helga can go in a cage in the back of the truck and her babies can go in a cage next to her. Good thing it is a short trip because thats already minimum of 6 trips before we even move ourselves or the hay.

Pigs are very unique, they are born with eyes open and fully mobile at birth. They will be born and within about 30-60 seconds are walking up to moms belly to nurse...it is a wobbly walk but they make it there and it doesnt take long for them to figure out how legs work. It only takes 2-3days before they can run.
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Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Just got the offical word back from the Loan Agent, we will not make closing on the 18th. He is estimating we won't be able to close until the end of the month at the earliest if the underwriter doesnt have any issues with any of the information that was submitted.

They conveniently already took the $450 for the appraisal and it only came back at 56k(today)...the loan is for 52k. I asked him about that since the county has it at almost 80k and it sold in 2007 for 99k but has since had all new windows, central air, and a new roof put on. No reply. I assume its to keep my PMI payments high/make me pay PMI, but that's just a theory.

So now i will have to pay the daily penalty and pay another half of a months rent.

So should I go talk to my credit union? Odds of them being able to get me a loan in less then 20 days are slim to none.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I would go and talk to them. While they might not be able to do it in 20 days your current place might not either. What have you got to loose but money? What a #1 pain.

As far as the appraisal, 2007 was before the big housing disaster so that might be part of it. In CA (which is its own universe), we had a house appraise at 460,000 in 2006 and in 2008 I couldn't sell it for 99,000 and ended up walking away.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
@babsbag is right, a 2007 or 2008 appraisal isn't worth the paper it is written on in many parts of the country.

I know taxes are low there but I would contact the county to have them lowered once you have the property since the "professional" appraiser pegs it at $24K less.

I don't know about the underwriter having issues with what you have given them but you have given them everything (even the stupid things) s/he asked for. The only reason they can't close on the 18th is incompetence on his/her part. It isn't like you just dumped a pile of paper on them yesterday. The underwriter has had WEEKS to look at all the info and should have been keeping an ever increasing "tally" and receiving the final piece (which I THINK you have provided) shouldn't be the START of his/her work.

Seems to me the bank should be paying the daily penalty for not closing on time.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Realtor got back to me. The seller agreed to give me an extension penalty free to a new closing date of the 27th. If we go over again I will have to pay but paying $50-150 is way better then $600-700. The seller only agreed because of the unusual circumstance of the bank requiring my car lease be paid off and the extra $4,000 i had to come up with for that.

As far as the 2007 price...i can find many comparables that put the house worth 70-80k. The house is on a small highway, central air, natural gas, new windows, a new roof in 2008, a full basement, has the barn, detached garage, new thick gravel in the driveway, and two other outbuildings, 10 acres with 5 acres tillable and 5 acres woods. The comparables have no barn, no outbuildings except maybe a shed, no central air, no full basement, and no natural gas.

I dunno, maybe they didnt realize it is 10 acres. They seem a bit incompetent. We will be having it surveyed and re-appraised in a year or two after we have the carpet ripped out and the hardwood floors re-done, and pour the rest of the cement floor in the basement atm it is only about 50% finished down there.

We plan on ripping out the carpet which is everywhere except the kitchen and bathroom atm, hardwoods floors are under it. Then we are ripping off the circa 1970 paneling which is overtop of (we believe)plaster walls and fixing those or hanging drywall.

After that DH is making concrete counter tops for the kitchen. I don't recall for sure but i know at least half of the cabinets in the kitchen are newer like since the last sale. So i will be re-finishing them. We will be re-doing the bathroom atm it is a 3/4 bathroom as well as adding a master bathroom.

We also have plans to build a hog barn, non-confinement style as well as a shop for DH to blacksmith in and he wants a butcher building but we shall see what the county says on that. We will also be finishing the inside of one of the outbuildings(looks like the original house) to turn it into a guest house.

Those are the plans atm anyhow :lol: We shall see how they change.

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