MtViking- A little piece of paradise.


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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New barn kittens


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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IMO Barn cats are worth their weight on any homestead!
I hate snakes...they eat a few mice, then decide chicken eggs are better. Barn cats won't eat the eggs. BUT beware new chicks -- they seem to delight in those. Couple weeks and not an issue. Actually, with my ninja hens, no problem ever! :D
They’re already hunting in the little bit of exercise time they get. They get supervised time to roam a few times a day. Then back in the training crate. They seem really happy here so far, so I think they’re going to be a wonderful addition and a huge asset. We have a major rodent problem. Mice, voles, chipmunks, squirrels. They’re every where. I was trapping the chipmunks with live traps and taking them up in the national forest, but there is just too many to keep up. I tried snap traps, they work good for the mice but not the chipmunks or squirrels. The kids take out a few with the BB guns each week, doesn’t even make a dent. So I hope the cats will really kick some butt.


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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The back yard, with the future garden plot and future chicken coup. The building is actually split into two parts with a door separating them, so it’s gonna work perfect. I have power out there to set up the small side into a brooder and storage for feed, garden tools and what not. Then the big side has double doors on the back for easy cleaning, that side we’re making into the coup and nesting area. I’m going to fence off a large area around that side around 20x10 with hopes to let them free roam of the dogs will be good. If not they will have lots of room anyways. I’m thinking of maybe some chicken tractors too since I’m building tractors for the rabbit grow outs. But we will see how things go. It was invested with chipmunks and mice but we cleaned it out super good and it’s ready to start building. I’ve seen about 1000 nesting box ideas what do some of you guys use?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Your run needs to be covered to keep hawks from carrying off your hens. Since you have cougars, you probably have bobcats and they will jump in, grab a hen and take off. For bears-a HOT wire to knock them on their butt. The snow you get will likely take out a cover, so you will need to study on that.

If the squirrels, mice, chipmunks can get in the coop, they will eat the feed, contaminate the feed with their droppings, and they may eat the eggs. Do not use chicken wire, it only keeps chickens in, any predator can rip it open. 1/2" hardware cloth is what I use. Lay wire on the ground, 2' out, attach to the coop/run all the way around to keep predators from digging in. Again, a HOT hot wire for the larger predators.


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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I’m hoping the bears will stay up in the mountains, the black bears rarely come down this side of the pass but I will definitely keep my eyes open for sign. In my 38 years here I’ve never seen a bobcat or lynx I know we have them in Montana but have yet to see one, those are great suggestions I’m going to figure out how to do those in my plans. We have a 8ft fence around this part of the property to keep the deer out and we have a 200lb beast of a guard dog to help keep the predators out. He’s good at his job but he’s also a spoiled brat so I will need to take precautions at night, I plan on putting the birds into the coup at night to help eliminate issues. Hopefully I will catch a site of a bobcat, I’d love to have that pelt. Not that I want my chickens going to feed one. I’ve been looking at a ton of books and videos on runs, I think I have a pretty good plan in place and if all goes well I’ll have it ready before snow flys. If not then I will be working in the snow and cold. Which is a norm here anyways. Snow and frigid temps doesn’t slow anything down up here in Montana just add more layers and get it done. It’s not fun but like my old journeyman used to tell me. “ the heats in the tools” of your cold your not working hard enough or fast enough
Your run needs to be covered to keep hawks from carrying off your hens. Since you have cougars, you probably have bobcats and they will jump in, grab a hen and take off. For bears-a HOT wire to knock them on their butt. The snow you get will likely take out a cover, so you will need to study on that.

If the squirrels, mice, chipmunks can get in the coop, they will eat the feed, contaminate the feed with their droppings, and they may eat the eggs. Do not use chicken wire, it only keeps chickens in, any predator can rip it open. 1/2" hardware cloth is what I use. Lay wire on the ground, 2' out, attach to the coop/run all the way around to keep predators from digging in. Again, a HOT hot wire for the larger predators.


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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Good morning update. The oldest doe Jasmine is building a nest in the nesting box, so I’m thinking she might have been prego when we got here. Yay free rabbits from the get go and another genetic line to add to the herd. The barn cattins (kitten/cats) are doing fantastic, they’re already hunting machines and love the homestead. All the bunnies have been super happy with the cooler temps the last two days and are bouncing around like little kangaroos in their pens. Yesterday was a good day of getting chores done, I also patch up the rabbit hutch roof after finding a couple little leaks with the last rain storm, today I’m trying AGAIN to breed buster and Rosie, they love to play together and groom and he mounts her head about twelve times a day but no luck breeding yet. Went to the dump so the garbage trailer is empty for another two weeks, and I’m going to get started with laying out the chicken building for nest boxes,roosts, ect.. I hope everyone has a great Sunday, enjoys some family time and take it easy.