Herd Master
We are delighted to have you here. Be sure to post often and give us updates! And post pictures!
They’re already hunting in the little bit of exercise time they get. They get supervised time to roam a few times a day. Then back in the training crate. They seem really happy here so far, so I think they’re going to be a wonderful addition and a huge asset. We have a major rodent problem. Mice, voles, chipmunks, squirrels. They’re every where. I was trapping the chipmunks with live traps and taking them up in the national forest, but there is just too many to keep up. I tried snap traps, they work good for the mice but not the chipmunks or squirrels. The kids take out a few with the BB guns each week, doesn’t even make a dent. So I hope the cats will really kick some butt.IMO Barn cats are worth their weight on any homestead!
I hate snakes...they eat a few mice, then decide chicken eggs are better. Barn cats won't eat the eggs. BUT beware new chicks -- they seem to delight in those. Couple weeks and not an issue. Actually, with my ninja hens, no problem ever!![]()
Your run needs to be covered to keep hawks from carrying off your hens. Since you have cougars, you probably have bobcats and they will jump in, grab a hen and take off. For bears-a HOT wire to knock them on their butt. The snow you get will likely take out a cover, so you will need to study on that.
If the squirrels, mice, chipmunks can get in the coop, they will eat the feed, contaminate the feed with their droppings, and they may eat the eggs. Do not use chicken wire, it only keeps chickens in, any predator can rip it open. 1/2" hardware cloth is what I use. Lay wire on the ground, 2' out, attach to the coop/run all the way around to keep predators from digging in. Again, a HOT hot wire for the larger predators.