Here's an update for everyone!
Either at the end of this month or the beginning of July I'm going to be going back to NY seeing how the man I was with ended our relationship on 5/27.
I've never been through a divorce before but I'm getting a small taste of what it would be like seeing how as I was packing my stuff and separating it from what he is keeping the shock of the breakup wore off and it hit me that I'm back to being single.
The way he told me we were done was like this " I gave been happy in months and I think it's best if we go our separate ways " and for a few days I thought we were going to end up trying to work it out but he told me " he doesn't think we will be able to work through this and he doesn't have the money to afford to support me anymore ", that was bull**** seeing how he hasn't lost the job he has.