mygoldendoe - deer, rabbits, &more(?)


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
It's 54°f out and I'm trying to finish paint my house...But kids don't nap long enough for me to finish plus do second coat soo..Think I'm gonna call my dad to make his retired butt useful. No I'm not gonna make him paint in this cold, I'll ask him stay in the toasty house with kidos while I finish. It's supposed to be 66°f then so maybe won't hurt my already sore throat. The last two days of sickness bout killed me (swelling in tonsils went down after I removed 4 tonsil stones, ugh I wish I had gotten em out when I was younger) but I've got it under control I think.. I want to finish this soon tho bc Friday a couple is coming to view the house!!!!
And if they aren't sold on it with the awesome 89,000 asking price for a 3bed 1bath then they'll love fact that we getting new backdoor frame w/door and taking up grey tile in kitchen to make match the living room area...Right. that'll get em right? (Just say yes so I'll feel better, I really want us gone onto the hub's land) I just hope they overlook how awful the shrubs are during winter.

Oh and do you thinking should go with the white on columns? I hate the green, also should shudders be while too?? I dunno


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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
OK... sorry, not to be too critical... Looking at the gray painted area, there appear to be paint "bubbles" as well as peeling paint that's been painted over at/along the bottom... You really should pop those bubbles and remove all loose paint around the area and then re-paint it... same for the peeling area along the bottom. A little more work but it will look so much better. If you're painting the pillars out front white, then it wouldn't hurt to paint the shutters to match. It looks like it's a green roof so... :idunno But it depends on the fascia trim color as well as window frame color etc. etc. etc.... Wishing you luck and success getting it sold! :fl:fl


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
Yeah I thought he knew to do that before painting (my brother in law is supposed to be painting them but the out of the three days he's been over here he's only spent 2hrs doing it because he came over right before the sun went down..) I fixed it on the side I was doing but I will look into fixing his side when I'm up there tomorrow. It was one of those things like. Well if he ain't gonna do it for me while I'm sick I just gotta do it myself


Loving the herd life
Aug 26, 2016
Reaction score
I'm curious about your tonsil stones. I've just heard of those. I thought they were suppose to dislodge (eventually) on their own. What are they like to have?


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
I'm curious about your tonsil stones. I've just heard of those. I thought they were suppose to dislodge (eventually) on their own. What are they like to have?
Well my tonsils have deep pockets from constant sickness when younger.
(My Dr told mom I didn't need them out tho, but he also almost killed my twin sister from insisting she had flu and not testing for anything else, she eventually wised up and went to e.r. where they said was a good thing bc her organs were so swollen from epstein barr that her spleen was very close to rupturing.)
So yeah, my stones don't always come out when yelling, coughing, or gargling bc of how deep the pockets are. I have used wet qtip to get them out but usually more successful with my finger. Granted I can't get the ones that are down in my throat as tonsil are quite large, but those don't usually get empacted the way the front ones do.. if you don't get sick easy there are videos that show how to get them out when empacted.
It feels like you got a piece of popcorn or chip stuck to the back of your throat. You have that urgent to cough but can't cough the "tickle" away..When it's really empacted it feels like someone has a sharp needle in your throat when u swallow but that's bc the tonsil tissue usually starts getting tender and swollen by then. When I take em out the irritation tickle and urge to cough is gone (if it's large enough the pain is instantly gone and can feel swelling go down)..Alot of times ppl don't notice them til the yell or yawn and think they swollowing a piece of food left in their mouth but it's really a tonsil stones. Even if you've had your tonsils out you can still get them in the tissue that's left behind bc they are sooo porous. No joke it's a huge factor in bad breath too. My current Dr wants me to have them removed but honestly I'm scared too. It's a huge recovery time and if your too strenuous you can rip them open and bleed out. I don't have the support system in place to keep me from being strenuous (I'm always everyone else's support system tho, funny how that works huh. I know, i know, it's just bc I'm the only stay at home wife n the family )
I think it's hallarious tho at how scared I am of getting tonsils out but wasn't for my 2 C-sections where my organs were sitting on the table beside me while they dug my kids out for me to see shile I was awakee...I'm strange
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Loving the herd life
Jun 30, 2016
Reaction score
My mom had to get her tonsils taken out when I had mine taken out. My pediatrician that I had told my mom she should have had hers removed when she was a child. They say that the older you are the worse it is, but my mother had no problem. I actually had more trouble with my recovery than she did. She's also a very active woman. She was up two days later back to driving her (special education) school bus and working at nursing home. She only had two jobs back then
I also have tonsil stones still. Not as bad, but every now and then I get them. They make me have horrible breath!! But I can gargle diluted peroxide (very diluted) and it breaks them up pretty well.
You should have your tonsils out. I promise its not that bad


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
Well if I don't shake this cough by Wednesday I may go see the ENT again to have a chat.

Oooh in other news you know how I said some of my rabbits have come to love me? Yeah well one rabbit (the light grey with white nose) throws itselfs at the cage when it sees me. Runs to the door and waits on me. Sometimes scratching impatiently. I thought for awhile it might be bc it's low on food but nope we been full for a week so it's just happy to see me?? OK so here's the fun part. Yesterday it tried climbing out of the door when I was near it so I let it climb onto me. I held it for a bit. It's so soft. Then I noticed something on my finger that was holding his legs..Yeah got the husband to spot me while checking tonight. It's definitely a BOY. So that's why it never got pregnant. It evidently had been keeping its dudes pulled in (was funny to see him do when I tried to touch em) soo since he's the sweet one and doesn't spray, this mean I get to cull the awful one this weekend. It'll be my first go at skinning and butchering. Thankfully husbands had 20+yrs killing things with his dad so I'm mostly excited than nervous. This week end wer re breeding the other females. Hopefully it'll take. I'm eager to see if the proven doe I had bought (yet to breed) will take good with her buck like she's supposedly done many times before..