Herd Master
Tho it is or may be the most enduring way, it's my least favorite way to learn.Trial by fire--my favorite way to learn. Screw it up, get it right next time!
1. Generally causes physical, financial, and/or mental pain.
2. A huge waste of the most precious commodity humans have...time.
There are 3 ways to learn lessons.
1. Thru our own mistakes.
2. Thru the mistakes of others.
3. Thru the successes of others.
I much prefer #2 and #3 over #1.
Life is short.
It's one of the reasons I read and research so much and why I try to share the knowledge learned from that research. Much (if not most) of what I learn comes from reading others' failures and learning 'why' their efforts failed.
No one ever laid on their death bed thinking "Boy, I sure wish I had spent more time & $$$ making my own mistakes".