Mystang's Homesteading Circus


True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Charlestown IN
She's still here. We've been drenching her today and trying to express from the mother. We have noticed she is trying to popp but haven't seen any success. If there anything we can give that might help her do her business?


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Is that a Texas delicacy?
I've eaten black birds before, but it was in Louisiana, where they eat just about everything.
Not much different than squab or dove imo. Come to think of it, the birds one of my friends cooked over a campfire when I was a kid were probably black birds. He was a dead shot with his bb rifle. Dark meat, a little gamey and dry if just pan fried but not bad.

I trapped about 25 crows one year, right before my garden's corn was ready to pull. Kept them in the ladder trap for over a week, then turned them loose. They made an awful racket all day, but one morning, they were really cawwing up a storm. I went out & there were 2 raccoons in with them, munching on the corn I had in there to keep the crows fed and lure more in. Them crows evidently didn't like raccoons much.
Crows are easy to trap once you get the first 2-3 in there. Not legal to trap and kill tho without a permit. You can do one or the other, but not both..trap, then kill them.
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True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Charlestown IN
Had a scare earlier today. We came home from running or errands, fed the lamb again and then put her and the dam out in the pasture to get some sun. (They had been in the barn to separate them from from the others and give some bonding time.)

I went back to taking care of the chores then came back to check if the lamb was still in the same spot. I already knew the dam had walked into the pasture without the lamb. When I came back to check, the lamb was gone.

I found that kinda weird because the lamb hasn't really walked all that much. It's still scrawny and sunken stomach so I want thinking it had gone far yet I couldn't find it. The dam was baying frantically trying to find her plus she had fresh blood on her hind legs. Predator! was the first thought.

My wife, a few children and myself set out to find the lost sheep. I expanded my search area. It had only been 5 minutes and I know coyotes can move fast when they want to but maybe I'd see a trail of blood or something. I found nothing.

Returning to the barn I decided to check the dam with the bloody rear. The blood wasn't from a wound. That eased my fears about a predator but that lamb isn't very mobile. Where in the world is it? I started to look in all the nooks and crannies I could find and sure enough, the lamb was in the corner of a wood pile curled up. I told the children it was trying to get warm but what I fear is that the lamb was trying to get into a dark corner to die as I know that is what many herd animals instinctively do.

I decided to bring the lamb inside. I really, REALLY hate doing that. My house is for humans...and a dog, but with the lack of body weight the lamb has and the fact the dam isn't very motherly I was afraid it wouldn't survive the cold nights. Secondly, it's cold!...and we still have to feed that thing! the cold :hide...Much rather do that in the comfort of my house.

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