I don't have Hampshires, but they are a meat hog and are comparable to what I do raise, which are old spot crosses. Last year my meat hog was 250 lbs at around 6 months. The pot belly I used to have was 50 lbs at 2 years. Correct me if I'm wrong pig experts out there, but based on that, I think that if she did take she would likely not survive the experience.
I was just thinking about pig breeds and realized.... I don't think Hampshires are that color. They're black with a lighter color bar. Can't attach a pic because I'm on my phone but Google it.
Greetings and welcome to BYH. Sounds like you got into this kinda fast and "unprepared"... There's lots of info in the threads, and lots of great folks who try to help those who ask. Typically breeding large breed males to small breed females is a recipe for disaster. The babies can be too large for the mom to deliver... Browse around some and make yourself at home.
I'm guessing Yorkshire because of the ears. Google Landrace and Yorkshire and compare the ears...
A mature Yorkshire boar can weigh up to 750 lbs... I'm not a pig expert by any means, but I wouldn't let a large breed boar breed a smaller female pig.
I thought yorkshires because of the ears too, after I looked them up. Either way, there are no small breeds that look like those boars. The small breeds have very different characteristics.