Chillin' with the herd
Next year we plan on adding pigs to our small 14acre farm. We are thinking at the most 3pigs. Buy as piglets and raise to breed, sale, and butcher.
We are in South HOT Central HOT Texas. Did I mention it is HOT down here? We have like 9 months of summer, 1 month for fall, 1 for winter, and 1 for spring.
First thing we do in picking any animal is how well it does in the elements and in our case how well it will do in the Hot South Texas sun? Next we look at temperament and how well they do with kids? Then we check into maintenance and can they take care of themselves if need be? Another thing we look at is investment, return, meat, feeding, habits, profit, etc., What are we talkin money wise? Finally can they birth young effortlessly and disease resistant?
We are lookin for a breed that best meets the above requirements. We are very interested in the Large Blacks or Red Waddle hogs, but we would like to hear others input, suggestions, and thoughts to go along with our research to best help us make the right decision in our situation.
We are in South HOT Central HOT Texas. Did I mention it is HOT down here? We have like 9 months of summer, 1 month for fall, 1 for winter, and 1 for spring.
First thing we do in picking any animal is how well it does in the elements and in our case how well it will do in the Hot South Texas sun? Next we look at temperament and how well they do with kids? Then we check into maintenance and can they take care of themselves if need be? Another thing we look at is investment, return, meat, feeding, habits, profit, etc., What are we talkin money wise? Finally can they birth young effortlessly and disease resistant?
We are lookin for a breed that best meets the above requirements. We are very interested in the Large Blacks or Red Waddle hogs, but we would like to hear others input, suggestions, and thoughts to go along with our research to best help us make the right decision in our situation.