Overrun with beasties
She may not eat the minerals right away or as often as you may think. Don't leave a large portion out if you live in a humid area or it may get wet and your goat will not want to eat sogy minerals. As for treats or any new food, my goats usually will ignore them. I would leave them out or mix some in their feeds and eventually they will eat it. Sometimes food they ate before...they would change their minds and not want them anymore. Mine likes craisins and the pellet goat treats from Mana Pro. One of them likes salted peanuts still in shells and the other...depending on his mood, I guess....bigcat said:I bought some loose minerals yesterday and well as some hay. She ate the hay when I gave it to her but I dont think the had tried the minerals yet. I gave her a big scoop of the pellets a couple days agao and she finally finished them off by this mornig so I put another scoop in there.
Do you just have one goat??? When you are ready...consider getting your goat another goat buddy. Evne if you can spend a lot of time with your current goat, nothing can replaced the 24/7 goat companionship.
Have fun with your girl. They are very addicting...most of us here want more and more and more goats if we can....