baking soda helps them burp, they will eat it when they need it. I just put out a little (1/2 cup) in the feeder bin separate from the loose minerals. Make sure it doesn't get clumpy or hard and keep an eye on the expiration date on the box, it does lose burp factor!
How bad would it be health wise to feed the goats pellet Dumar sheep feed (non medicated ) instead of the dumar pellet goat feed other than a lack of copper? I have one sheep and I bought a whole bag for him not realizing I only needed to feed him a small handfull of it everyday. I have two goats and was feeding them a small handfull of the sheep feed pellets and now that the bag is almost out I was wondering if it would be ok to keep them on the sheep feed since they only get a very small ammount or go ahead and buy them the goat feed. Or should I get something else, like and all stock feed that would be good for sheep and goats? During the day they all get free choice chris cox alfalfa/timothy hay blend and some forage, as well as one mouthful of veggies a day and free choice baking soda and free choice all stock minerals. If I was worried about a copper defeccency in the goats diet is there anyway to give them copper seperatly? like a pill or pour on the food or something?
If the goat was given it over an extended period, then they might end up lacking in some of the things they need but one bag is not an issue. Now if it were they other way around (feeding a sheep goat food) that would be a problem---my good friends are down several sheep because of that very accident. Do you give them supplemental minerals?