Herd Master
It depends honestly most large vets that i know don't. But you also have to take in to regard most of them deal with farmers that have large herds and probably wouldn't go for that as when it comes to blood counts it more to indicate whether some one is sick or is bleeding internally or a few other things (i could be wrong) but from my experience with that kind of thing. Clearly your animal is sick and there really isn't much point in counting white or red blood cells. You also need to remember most large vets deal with cattle and other livestock goats are rarer for them. I am so sorry this happened to you. I do know how frustrating it is. My first round with goats one of my does gave birth while i was giving birth and the kid end up losing its eye sight, wouldn't gain weight and eventually we had to put him down . It was horrible. I neve r new what caused the issue and it thankfully hasn't happened again. I will be praying for your goats to pull through and you get to find the cause. But some times things just happen sadly.