Newborn Kid has FEVER


True BYH Addict
May 29, 2018
Reaction score
Duluth, GA
I spoke with the overnight, admitting vet. She is very comfortable with the evening that everyone had. Tipsy and Dash didn’t have worrisome temps. Even though Dixie’s temp was elevated overnight and into the morning, the er dvm was happy because Dixie is still acting like Dixie—taking care of Dash, head butting Tipsy and trying to eat the dvm’s stethoscope, clothes, basically whatever she could get her mouth on. Dixie’s did go up to 104.4 and has remained there. I’m actually glad for that. It’s like bringing your car in for a noise that suddenly disappears when it’s in the shop. They aren’t going to give her banamine this morning because the tests are more accurate if the bloodwork is done when she actually has a fever. They will also do bloodwork on Tipsy and Dash. They’ve taken fecal samples but it could be a week before I know the results. The lab is working with fewer staff due to COVID. They will now be given to an internal med dvm plus gynecology may run more tests on Dixie. Continued prayers are appreciated and I will keep everyone updated.


True BYH Addict
May 29, 2018
Reaction score
Duluth, GA
It’s been a few days since I’ve updated everyone. Tipsy came home on Saturday. She wasn’t running a fever and honestly may not have actually had one to get her up there to UGA. All of her tests, so far, have come back normal. I’m not sure at this point if she has anything pending. I was hoping that something would show if she actually had listeriosis or not but I’m not sure if there is a test to confirm that. They noticed that she has biting lice and advised we use ULTRA Boss on her. I’ll probably post another thread seeking direction on that. I can’t remember if I posted that they did an ultrasound on her but they did. She is carrying what looks like twins. They are definite on one but another head kept popping in so they don’t know if that is the same baby or a second. Due date is the first week in August.
Dash is doing great. He hasn’t been running a fever and is eating well and gaining weight. He’s acting just like a buckling should be. He stayed because Dixie was still running a fever. He is going to be disbudded this morning.
Dixie stayed because she was running a fever off and on. The dvm said on Saturday that we could take them and do the penicillin at home or let them keep her. We were all glad that we chose to leave her as her temp went up higher than it had been. The fluid has finally resolved in her uterus but we haven’t gotten the results for the cultures. Her temp was finally normal yesterday afternoon and throughout the night. I’m still hoping for some actual diagnosis.
Im not sure if we are going to get anything of value from the necropsies. They said that the tissues were pretty broken down. I’m still hoping they will show something.

Our first kidding season sure has been more eventful than we would have hoped for.

thanks everyone for your help, support and prayers. I hope to be posting adorable kid pictures soon.


True BYH Addict
May 29, 2018
Reaction score
Duluth, GA
Dixie and Dash are back home. Dixie was finally fever free for 24 hours. We are still waiting on some labs. Dixie was diagnosed with metritis. The fluid in her uterus has resolved. Here are some of her lab numbers. Inflammatory leukogram characterized by a leukocytosis (19,900 WBC/uL), neutrophilia (9,950cells/uL), lymphocytocysis (9,000 cells/uL), and hyperfibrinogenemia (600mg/dL).

They included withdrawal times for milk and its 180days for milk after taking Nuflor. Can anyone explain exactly what that means. All 3 of my does received Nuflor. Their milk isn't safe for human consumption at this point for 6 months?

Tipsy was vaccinated for rabies while she she was there. They recommend that our herd be vaccinated for rabies. Do y'all vaccinate your goats in general? Do you also vaccinate for rabies? I had wanted their milk to be as organic as possible. If I need to make a separate thread re vaccines, I can. I will get pictures today and to post cute kid pics.

@B&B Happy goats @frustratedearthmother @chickens really @Ridgetop @Jesusfreak101