Ahhhhhhh....that's so sweet! But, here's a word of advice.... ENJOY YOUR TIME! I use to fret when DH was away - until I learned to enjoy it! It's my time for self-indulgence. He's diabetic so sweets rarely enter our house. But, when he's gone I've been known to buy a pint of ice cream and eat it in bed, lol!
Haha! Well without being a whiner... It's hard when he's gone primarily because of his (obnoxious) dog. She is a wreck the whole time. But we'll survive!
Maybe I'll find the time to clean the house and get rid of some stuff!
His dog is the primary reason I can't go. I can find a farm sitter, but no one can take his dog. I remind him frequently that I told him a week before we got her that I changed my mind and we shouldn't get another dog. He loves her though, I just wish he was home with her more. You know the show "It's Me or the Dog"? Yeah...
DH is on the road, my house is very quiet. His assignment is to text me every time they stop so I can show the kiddo where he is on the map. He got the gun safe before he left, and the garage in a box. Yes, can't wait to set it up!
My favorite part of him being gone? I don't feel the need to cook a big dinner. Yes!
Tomorrow I am going to Wal-Mart to get a few of those big storage totes to organize stuff in. All that stuff that you don't really have a home for, but can't quite get rid of? Yeah it's being put away!
Sure hope he has Safe travels....and it reminds me of when we were driving and the youngest had to have her own road atlas so she could do the same, when we called each day to talk to them. When I drove solo, I'd take her with me on short trips and I would wake up to find her in the drivers seat with my shoes on her feet and the atlas in her lap...she fell asleep that way....I wear a size 12 shoe....it was so Sweet, but funny too.
That's cute! Our daughter keeps saying daddy's moving to TN for 5 days. Hahah
I feel bad for him. His mother is going down with him. She's not coming back with him though. The friends he is staying with are the family of the friend who passed away recently. The mother is one of her best friends. So she is going down to stay with her and keep her company for a while. Sorry, that is probably confusing. Anyway she is the WORST backseat driver so he's not thrilled. I'm hoping she helps pay for gas