My Dad was the same way....he'd race thru WalMart parking lot to beat another to a parking 91. He drove the back roads here that are twists, curves, and blind spots with his PU on cruise control and tried to drive it without touching the brake. In my lifetime I have experienced my "Life Flashing before my Eyes" countless times...especially back when roads were 2 lanes...when he was passing someone and we were Head on with a coming vehicle. Had his first wreck at 88....
Sigh. I keep trying to tell my mother how cheap it is to live in TN. Our friends have a house that is siginficantly bigger than my parents' house. My parents pay $10,000/year in taxes. Our friends pay $800. So she says that I need to remember that you pay tax on everything you buy.... Yes. But they would have to buy $100,000 worth of stuff per year to equal the amount they spend on taxes here. She doesn't listen, haha.
Anyway DH is there but I haven't heard from him so he must be out enjoying himself.
I know some people including my brother in law that go bonkers over the slow speed (of everything) here. I have a view on life that if I have to hurry to get somewhere I don't go.
I wasn't calling you old, just the grumpy impatient people
So it's actually going to be warmer here than in eastern TN today. I didn't even need heat last night. DH said his two biggest complaints about down there- his sense of direction is so confused with the switchbacks and windy roads, and the soil is kind of cruddy compared to here. Nothing that can't be remedied of course!
I think I'm getting a cold, which makes me super grumpy.
My tom and rooster are having a competition to see who is louder this morning. It's kind of a tie so far.