I can't believe how much snow melted today. And the driveway is a mud pit. But it's going to get cold again tomorrow, after a lot of rain tonight.
Haven't talked to DH since this morning so no news on the trip yet. He should call soon, I'm anxious to hear about these places I've been staring at online for a month!
They are saying 27 degrees for the low an hour south of Nashville. We just came in from covering all of our fruit trees that are flowering. May be a waste of time but we had to try.
Eek I hope they end up ok. That happened to our apple trees last year and it was not good come fall.
So... Our friends have a spot on their property with power, water, sewer and tie down straps for a mobile home. They offered for us to come live there (we would have to buy a mobile home but they have an "in" for getting insanely cheap single and double wides). They want us to teach them about being self sustainable. Said we can have whatever we want for animals. Also they are looking to buy a larger piece of property in a few years so thought we could buy like a 30 acre lot and split it, get farther out of town maybe.