Green Acres Farm
True BYH Addict
That goes for all cherries, not just wild.
Good for your husband for getting involved! It's sad that no one else stepped up, though... maybe seeing that will give someone else the courage to do the same if they see behavior like that happening another time.Here is a story all you animal lovers will appreciate. My husband runs a food truck on weekends and does catering and events. He was at a horse show today. He looked over and saw this guy who had his daughter on a horse and the horse was obviously terrified. The guy goes over and starts punching the horse and trying to yank it into the ring. My husband flies off the truck and screams at the guy. Guy turns red and runs and hides in his trailer, everyone at the horse show stares at my husband. Lots of smiles. Guy hid for the rest of the show. Take that, jerk.
Little do the horse show people know that the guy feeding them burgers and fries broke his own horse at age 12, and his sister is a three time international sidesaddle champion. Don't mess with animals with my hubby there!