She also broke a tooth so she's not a happy pup. I just noticed it today and she's drooling a lot out of that side of her mouth. So keeping an eye on it. My husband does NOT want it pulled... Im pretty sure it's either that or a doggie crown and who the heck is paying for all this? She's a disaster dog. Good thing we love her.
She totally is. My daughter and I call her psycho pants. She's nuts. And she hurts herself all the time. She had to get stitches as a puppy because she ran into a metal roof on the chicken coop. She eats gross stuff that I don't even know where she finds it. And impulse control? What's that?
When my husband leaves to work I have to tie her outside while I do chores. If I leave her inside she trashes the house (separation anxiety) and if I bring her out with me the second I turn my back she runs up to my mom's house and barks at her front door. Our houses are not that close to each other! My mom said she acts all proud of herself when she gets there too
Starting homeschooling in earnest next month. DD turns 4 in less than 2 weeks! We've been informal about it but she's asking to start school so we are going to start doing a bit more formal (but still fun obviously) school. I'm excited but I have some printing and planning to do. Also will be doing a portfolio to practice so when she is school age and I need to do one, I'll know what I'm doing.
DH goes back to his winter job next month too, so I'm hoping to have all butchering (except the Thanksgiving turkey) done before he goes back.
Sure am Glad our 4 are out on their own...with their Own...LOL!!...those are Precious years...but, with the way things are today I'd be in jail somewhere...somehow...had plenty of 'Sessions' with the youngest and the Changing 'Rules'....I'd be classified as a Terrorist today...ROTF!!...wish ya Well with the Home schooling!!....just Thankful I am not Responsible anymore....hope your Butchering goes well for ya Too!!
In case you were wondering, why yes a skinning knife can also do double duty as jack-o-lantern cutter. My husband made this for our daughter tonight. She loves Minnie Mouse!