NH Homesteader- turkeys!

NH homesteader

Herd Master
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Well I'm sorry to say, I had my little Storm wethered. I haven't talked much about him, but he's been a struggle. He is almost 9 months old and has not grown much. Fecal was good, drew blood and sent in test for CAE. But she looked at him and said CAE or not, he's not going to do much benefit in your breeding program. I've known this, or suspected at least.

I am disappointed, but I told my husband there is a huge learning curve with goats and at least I didnt learn by losing any. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge, if I had been on this forum when I bought him, I would have gone with my gut and passed on him. I was in a hurry to get a buck and rushed into it because I got a deal on him and my nigie doe who was in milk (they're unrelated).

He will be a spoiled(tiny) wether pet. And I hope for a negative report soon.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Aww. the tiny ones sure can steal your heart though. Do you remember half/caf from Katie's quads last year? She was so tiny she fit in a feed scoop. She never had any issues she was just born small. Her brother was the other smaller one. He on the other hand had issues from birth. He is still tiny and wethered and a pet forever ( like I need that :rolleyes:)
Half calf is now "Lily" and she is really growing. I'll see if I can get some pics.

Sometimes heart defects, or cocci issues when young can cause these issues. Some just are small.