Oh brother article in new york daily news bashing ARBA and meat rabbit


Ridin' The Range
Nov 11, 2011
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ahh they drive me insane the realize that breeders take better care of there rabbits than most pet owners right


Ridin' The Range
Jul 12, 2011
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I love how that person is acting like Rabbit hasn't been a source of meat for as long as chickens and cows have. Why should rabbits be treated "better" than chickens? What is wrong with chickens? And YES as a breeder I know 100 times more than most people who own pet bunnies and think they are smart. They believe idiotic hype and ignore real health issues. How many of these idiots know what wool block is? Or pasteurella or malocclusion? They probably feed tons of overpriced petstore treats instead of foods and treats actually nutritionally valuable to a rabbit. Wire as a cage floor is more sanitary to the rabbit than bedding that a kid might change once a week. Am I worse than people who give their five-year-old a rabbit and let it starve or get killed by the family pet? My rabbits are happy, healthy and disease free and unlike his confined rabbits mine don't have to run to an apartment door to catch a glimpse of the outdoors.

I am so sick of people trying to take away my right to grow my own food. This is absolutely getting ridiculous. Some idiot thinks we're bad people because he can't handle seeing where his food comes from. Go to a commercial poultry processing plant and then I want to see if you have the stones to tell me I'm cruel! Some people can't afford processed mystery meat at every meal. I also love how he basically says that poultry doesn't matter because it isn't cute like a "bunny". Does this idiot think we peel our rabbits alive? I didn't see any comments about boiling lobsters alive--not fuzzy enough I guess. Give me a break.

Sorry for the rant. I usually ignore these sorts of threads but that article was such a hilarious satire of the misinformed pet owner that I couldn't help myself.



Ridin' The Range
Aug 25, 2009
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CYGChickies said:
I love how that person is acting like Rabbit hasn't been a source of meat for as long as chickens and cows have. Why should rabbits be treated "better" than chickens? What is wrong with chickens? And YES as a breeder I know 100 times more than most people who own pet bunnies and think they are smart. They believe idiotic hype and ignore real health issues. How many of these idiots know what wool block is? Or pasteurella or malocclusion? They probably feed tons of overpriced petstore treats instead of foods and treats actually nutritionally valuable to a rabbit. Wire as a cage floor is more sanitary to the rabbit than bedding that a kid might change once a week. Am I worse than people who give their five-year-old a rabbit and let it starve or get killed by the family pet? My rabbits are happy, healthy and disease free and unlike his confined rabbits mine don't have to run to an apartment door to catch a glimpse of the outdoors.

I am so sick of people trying to take away my right to grow my own food. This is absolutely getting ridiculous. Some idiot thinks we're bad people because he can't handle seeing where his food comes from. Go to a commercial poultry processing plant and then I want to see if you have the stones to tell me I'm cruel! Some people can't afford processed mystery meat at every meal. I also love how he basically says that poultry doesn't matter because it isn't cute like a "bunny". Does this idiot think we peel our rabbits alive? I didn't see any comments about boiling lobsters alive--not fuzzy enough I guess. Give me a break.

Sorry for the rant. I usually ignore these sorts of threads but that article was such a hilarious satire of the misinformed pet owner that I couldn't help myself.

I didn't see that about the chickens. That one person repeats so much stuff I stopped reading most of it. I did point it out to them that chickens are kept in far worse conditions, yet nobody seems to care about them. There is rebuttal on their site now. Complete with something under the same pictures stating some bunnies are loved, others are cared for. I was also the one they attacked in the comments. go to my facebook page they posted on there and you will see rabbit sin outdoor play pens, and chickens, pigeons, and rabbits in clean cages.



Chillin' with the herd
Dec 4, 2011
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It just proves how distant America is from their food supply. Rabbit is technically still considered a livestock animal...

Why should rabbits be protected as much as a cat or dog, when they can provide us with a useful product? I consider my rabbits pets, but I consider my chickens and ducks pets too. And I'd eat a rabbit, chicken, or duck that I raised.


True BYH Addict
Oct 9, 2011
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CYG, that was a good point about the lobsters. But of course, the people who support such biased articles seem to have no concept of logic. How do you present a reasonable case to someone(s) who, basically, covers their ears and chants the same thing over and over again?

By the "arguments" of the anti-rabbit eaters, the world should be vegetarians. sigh.

Don't these people have anything better to do than to harrass US?

Could we sue for defamation of character...?;)


Chillin' with the herd
Dec 4, 2011
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Genipher said:
CYG, that was a good point about the lobsters. But of course, the people who support such biased articles seem to have no concept of logic. How do you present a reasonable case to someone(s) who, basically, covers their ears and chants the same thing over and over again?

By the "arguments" of the anti-rabbit eaters, the world should be vegetarians. sigh.

Don't these people have anything better to do than to harrass US?

Could we sue for defamation of character...?;)
My vegetarian friend commented on this link when I posted it on facebook. She's against the article's opinion. While she doesn't agree with people who eat meat, she thinks it's wrong to favor "cute" animals like cats, dogs and rabbits, and only eat "ugly" animals like chickens, cows, pigs, etc.


Ridin' The Range
Jul 12, 2011
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Genipher said:
CYG, that was a good point about the lobsters. But of course, the people who support such biased articles seem to have no concept of logic. How do you present a reasonable case to someone(s) who, basically, covers their ears and chants the same thing over and over again?

By the "arguments" of the anti-rabbit eaters, the world should be vegetarians. sigh.

Don't these people have anything better to do than to harrass US?

Could we sue for defamation of character...?;)
I was certainly insulted by the article! I just want to know what I eat by growing rabbits, harvesting honey, tending a garden etc. Who's business is it whether I eat my own MEAT animal or not? Good lord.



Chillin' with the herd
Jul 17, 2011
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ibreedlionheads said:
It just proves how distant America is from their food supply. Rabbit is technically still considered a livestock animal...

Why should rabbits be protected as much as a cat or dog, when they can provide us with a useful product? I consider my rabbits pets, but I consider my chickens and ducks pets too. And I'd eat a rabbit, chicken, or duck that I raised.
I could not agree more with the bolded statement...I did my thesis on educating young children about agriculture (not big business ag...it was oriented on smaller scale farmers and farmers markets and the like) and where their food comes from. I went to school with people who lived in the city for their entire lives, so when I started talking about raising/butchering/eating animals they all had the same reaction:
It wasn't quite so dramatic, but still. I had a hard time getting them to come to terms with the idea that people raise their own meat for consumption. A lot of "Oh god, how did you cope with this?" and "BUT THEY ARE SO CUTE" and "don't you cry when you eat it?"
Mind you, none of them were vegans or vegetarians. They just had NO idea at all about where their food comes from. IMO, we are an ignorant nation in regards to agriculture...it's one of those things looked at in either a mystical "Oooo, look at those cool cows in the field with their super cool rancher dude in a hat and OOOO look at all the pretty corn!" or with "EVIL EVIL ANIMAL KILLERS!!" Unfortunately people who raise animals on a small scale get lumped in with big biz agriculture. I respect the author's right to own pet rabbits. She can do what she wants to, it's her right. But it's my right to own livestock, and that includes rabbits.
Her use of the word "killing" bothers me the most in this article. It's not like we all run around with mini scythes and black robes pretending to be the bunny undertaker. I mean sheesh. Whenever I need to kill a rabbit, I do it in a humane way, and I don't just kill it for fun. There's a reason, whether it be for consumption or to end suffering for the good of the rabbit. But she sweeps her big ole generalization brush and paints us all like murderous heathens with no souls because we raise and eat rabbits.


Ridin' The Range
Aug 25, 2009
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Its the way she worded it. She wanted people to side with her on it. She did it to make us look like brutal animal killers, to fool the public into thinking its inhumane.