Waaaiting game... Still nothing. The temp dropped and we got some spitting rain turned snow. If Hairy was at 80% before then she has surpassed 100% now! I swear if she holds out passed Saturday I'm going to threaten her! This is supposed to be lambing, not a hostage situation! She can't hold 'em/it in there forever!
Speaking of snow.. Short clip of me two weeks ago when we got several inches.. Pleading with the weather to at least make up it's mind.. Since then we have gotten more frequent fluctuations from 40-45*F days, teasing sun, rain, a crazy thunderstorm, snow and 20*F temps, more 40*F days, rain again, rain turn to snow,....
It's just screwing with me now... If we can keep it above 20*F for the next month I'll be happy enough to get by though! https://www.instagram.com/p/BeHVhPrnF7m/?taken-by=girlwalkswithgoats
Home from work, went out and checked on the sheep. I couldn't quite see if Hairy had a 'loogie' hanging from her back end... or if it was a very perfectly placed piece of hay... And every time I got a straight on look at her back end there was a puff-ball wooly idiot (or three) in the middle of us so I couldn't see a darn thing...
Luckily I am off work tomorrow so unless I fall asleep here right quick (pfft! yeah right!) then I will most likely head back out before I go to sleep.
1am check.. It's 12*F and with the dusting of snow and clear sky I didn't turn the light on until I was into the paddock. Bright enough I had a distinct shadow in the moonlight. Always makes for pretty scenery. The temp however was less enjoyable...
Still unsure if Hairy has some discharge or not. I'm tired. See what the morning brings.
During feeding I lucked into all the ewes going into the shelter. All of them all at once. Score! So I pulled the panel around and tied it up. After they finished the feed I wrestled most of them to check for udders. I hadn't thought to check them like a month ago for a baseline.
Hairy- absolutely nothing. If I didn't already know she has lambed at least once before I would have guessed she hadn't. The skin isn't even a little paunchy. Her back end might be saying "babies at any moment" but her udder does not.
white cross ewes- the two older looking ewes have paunchy udders. The younger two don't show anything.
Pigpig & Midget- paunchy udders.
black shetland ewe- no show
black cross ewe- slightly paunchy
All of the ewe's back ends are getting puffy. At this point I think Hairy could lamb tonight but I don't think it is likely. I think they are all due starting the 23rd.
No change. I am assuming all will start about the 23rd. I am hoping for a good round of lambs decently close together. If one ewe goes per day I'll be done before the first week of March is over... Hey a girl can dream!
Since there was some chasing with Fitz and his two ewes (blk cross ewe, blk shetland ewe) near the end of the groups being together I am guessing that they could be the last ones to go. Although just going by how round they all are I would not guess they are any farther behind. We shall just have to wait and see...