Ohiogoatgirl's 2018 Lambing thread


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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No lambs.. This was me this morning telling the ewes a good what for! --> :rant

No change in Hairy's condition. She has some slight discharge (again) and looks totally unbothered. She is more vocal yesterday and today though. Usually only Midget and Pigpig bellow at me but she has joined in. Even when I am walkin across the paddock to the feeders she bellowed a couple times.


Herd Master
Jun 28, 2017
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I had success w a prolapse. I followed the old timers advice and rinsed it in cool water
(couldn’t get all of the dirt off I don’t think you can in some cases) dusted the uterus w granulated sugar- which is supposed to reduce swelling, lubricated the uterus and my husband replaced it. I wasn’t strong enough. Vets don’t like the sugar idea because of bacteria and it’s really best to see a Vet especially to learn how to replace it in case you need to. We followed up w penicillin and our ewe is fine as is her jumbo lamb. There are arguments about whether a prolapsed ewe should be bred again. I haven’t decided. Good luck.


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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** WARNING ** graphic explanations ** WARNING**

Well I called off work today. Went up to feed this morning and Hairy was way out the side of the paddock and was holding her back legs oddly the way she stood. She totally ignored me and the rest of the ewes walking toward the shelter for feed. I figured she either has a stuck lamb or prolapsed.

Sure enough she prolapsed. I had checked about 11:30 last night so happened sometime between then and about 10am. She was having none of me trying to get close to check her out. I had closed up the other ewes in the shelter so as not to rile everyone up trying to get Hairy. I ended up having dad come up and help me catch her. Finally got her with a cattle panel weir fishing trap sort of deal in front of the shelter. I thought my legs were going to give out from all the walking and jogging across and up and down the hill.

Got the halter on her and started the long walk (drag) over to the barn with the stalls. She was not very cooperative. Finally got her in the stall. Run around gathering up twine. Rig up a harness. Well I couldn't get her rigged up so I made up something myself that does alright. Except it is a harness but didn't go around her backend. So dad ties up this weird net thing. I'm like dad we need something to hold pressure on her bits not just hang on if she pushes it out again. Besides it was totally the wrong size to even be on her back end.

So I've got this spray bottle of water. I've scrubbed my hands and arms. I've got a bucket of water waiting outside the stall. The gross factor of me having to handle that pink/red mass is starting to climb. Spraying off the prolapse. Spraying off my hands. Spraying off the prolapse and wiping off bits of hay and 'other stuff'. Dad has never dealt with a prolapse before (we had dairy goats for years) and had only ever heard of prolapse after birthing. So as I am kneeling on the ground of the stall at the back end of Hairy.. I try to push things in and she bears down.. Dad gives a giggle and asks me if it feels like a breast.. Way to go Dad.. He was serious though he seemed to have a higher gross out factor about it than I did starting out. The weirdest thing to me was just how warm it was. I know weird to get grossed out about considering it all but it was.

So finally Dad and me manage to push and hold and she stops bearing down and it starts sliding back in! Ugh the squelching. Ew. And of course she can't pee like she was so me and dad got a nice urine bath up to the elbows getting it in the last of the way. Then dad was trying to feel around and make sure things weren't wrongly folded in itself or something but neither of us know what it feels like normally so we did our best. (Side note dad has pulled goat kids before but almost never had to reach in and then it wasn't all that much.)

Now we have to figure out what to use on her back end to hold her in. Dad comes up with this strapped plastic peanut butter lid and cuts out part of the center. Well it goes around her whole vulva area. So we kind of cross laced it with some cotton string. She has peed quite a bit and is drinking now.

I keep going up and checking on her. Between me getting the harness on her and us going in and putting her inside bits back inside she had a moment that I wasn't sure. It looked like contractions. If she was a goat I would have told you contractions 210% for sure. However the sheep keep proving me wrong so I'm unsure if she wasn't just straining and grunting in pain/discomfort because of the prolapse. Time shall tell.


Herd Master
Jun 28, 2017
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Good job you all. It’s back in. Hopefully it will stay that way.


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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Just checked again about 10:30pm. She is acting more herself and has definitely drank a good bit of water now. I had topped off the little bucket in the stall to almost overflowing so I could really make sure if she was drinking. Her backside seems much less 'bursting at the seems' now. The lid is staying in place well.
After we had her all tied up in the harness earlier I gave her some feed and she horked it down like her usual self so I am fairly confident she is feeling better.

While I had Dad up there earlier we talked about setting up a pen in the barn in front of the stalls. And got the bales moved over. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain but I am hoping if it isn't raining when I do chores (and dad is slow to start in the morning lol) that I can at least pull over the two cattle panels. We will be using one full panel and the second will be cut. Which works out fine because at least one of the panels was destined to be cut to fit it's gate destination. This will give me about 15ft x 6ft for the ewes plus the three stalls.


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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It is going between pouring rain and sprinkling today. I got the two panels moved to the edge of the paddock but it isn't going to get moved and cut today. Perhaps Saturday. Then I will most likely get it setup for the ewes and see if I can start moving them over.

Hairy's inside bits are still inside so keeping my fingers crossed.

Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink, water water sing or stare it's all gone down the sink.


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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Hairy lambed a single ewe 3/6/17. Birth weight 10.74 lbs! And pretty sure she has gained a couple more in the days since. She is a big lamb and has some long legs on her. She is a really interesting reddish brown color, white on her face with a couple small spots in the white, a white dipped tail (long), and wee little white socks on her back feet. And her front legs are darker than the rest of her. On her main body the wool looks much lighter/creamy colored when you part it. Really neat crimp on her birth coat!

Partly waited to post to make sure she was doing good and partly because I've been so busy and exhausted.

From today..

Midget's udder is more full and this evening was definitely feeling close to being tight-full. Pigpig's udder was more full but she looks to hold out, last year she was really tight udder before lambing.