old goat down

jen miller

Chillin' with the herd
Jul 2, 2016
Reaction score
It was a question that was asked on here back in 2013. I'm not sure how to bring that up. I'm sorry. It was under adult goat down. I actually found it when I Googled "my goat can't walk". It was the 2nd link from the top. That's How I Came Across this site.

QUOTE="Goat Whisperer, post: 435103, member: 9889"]Cocci is in the environment just like most worms/ parasites. Keeping them at a reasonable number is key. Running fecals on a regular schedule to monitor parasite counts is very important. You can learn to do this yourself if you get the right scope and slides.

Keeping pens clean, poop scooped, and feeding them off the ground will help cut down on parasites.

Post the link to the thread that you mention, the one that the owner had to put the doe down due to the neck issue.[/QUOTE]

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
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North Carolina
If she doesn't have a temp, keep offering the molasses water. Offer her good hay and cut some tree limbs for her. If you have pine that would be great. You may want to give her probiotics- whenever I have a goat that isn't feeling well they usually get probiotics.

Forgot to ask, how bad is the murmur? What did the vet say about it? When you mentioned the doe falling over I thought she had a heart issue. Summer heat can be brutal to a goat with heart issues.

Ask the vet about starting her on an iron supplement. If you aren't worried about polio, I would just inject a few MLs of b complex. This will help soothe her digestive system and help build her immunity up.

What state are you located in?

jen miller

Chillin' with the herd
Jul 2, 2016
Reaction score
I'm not sure if she said how bad it was. She said it concerned her bc she didn't know if she was doing this bc she was going into heart failure or if she had the worms back. But then after the test, we found out she did , which we don't think we ever got fully rid of them the first time around. My husband said he thinks it's the worms causing this bc she was fine and then one day she had fallen. So we took everything out of her pen that she can climb or stand on to help decrease her changes or falling again. Thinking maybe it was just old age and that happens. But it kept happening that day. Then we figured maybe she wasn't falling. Just laying down bc she was too weak and tired to stand. And that's when we had the vet come back and we found out the worms where still there. Not sure if it's the heart mummur, I think it's more of those worms , but I'm sure being older and now the heart thing isn't helping

jen miller

Chillin' with the herd
Jul 2, 2016
Reaction score
Your information is great. I can't thank you enough. Really. Good or bad outcome, Thank you for taking the time to help me and explain things to me. I am screen shotting all of your information to show my husband tomorrow and that way we (he) is sure to tell the vet. I am in PA

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
You are very welcome :hugs I can tell you really love your goats, and I just love that!

Please keep us updated, I'm really hoping that she can pull thru this :hugs

When you can, try to figure out what shots were given. It is important to know what you are putting into your goat and what its purpose is.

Whenever you have a fecal run, be sure to get the count. You want to see a 95% reduction after the appropriate med is given.

I'll check back in the morning, if I think of anything else I'll be sure to post.

Keep up the good work, you are a great "goat mom" :thumbsup

jen miller

Chillin' with the herd
Jul 2, 2016
Reaction score
No change this AM. still can't lift her head by herself. But once it's up , she's good to go. I looked at her eye lids. And they are pink /red. Her eye itself is white, but eyelids are pink. We are definitely calling the vet Tuesday and letting her know about those meds. I will definitely keep you posted with her and how she is coming along. I can't thank you enough for your advise and help. The world needs to be filled with more ppl like you. Willing to take the time for an animal that's not even yours :hugs


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Best wishes for a successful conclusion. Nobody likes to lose a cherished part of their life. Even though we all know that that time will come. When it does, all we can hope is that it's quick and painless with little suffering. :fl

jen miller

Chillin' with the herd
Jul 2, 2016
Reaction score
Not as of yet. We called the vet this am, but of course with the holiday they were booked. So they said first thing tomorrow morning. Her head has been up each time we go up. Expect for once on Sunday. Where she needed help with it again. So I don't know if she just hasn't been putting her head down or if she's lifting it up herself. She will move her legs and act like she's trying to get " comfy " I guess. Or change her position. But when we lift her up to try to see if she will stand , she has no desire too. She just wants to lay right back down. But as far as her head and neck that has been up. Just not sure if she's putting it down. You would think so. That's a long time for her to not rest, but we can't ever seem to catch her in the act of lifting it up herself. We have the other goat in the outside part of the pen and she gives it away every time we go up. She does move it all around and looks all around. Today she leaned her head over to my chest and I kinda held it for her and scratched her cheeks. So we got a little cuddle time in :love So here's hoping the vet calla back first thing tomorrow. Thank you for checking in. I have not forgot about you. :hugs
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