Hello farm friends. Update on my Bella girl. The vet came back in today. This time the same one girl and a different guy. Which I was happy about. Get a new opinion on things. We showed the messages that @Goat Whisperer suggested and I guess they did give her the one kinda med you said. And something about the polio. I can't quite remember what my husband said about that exactly. But they ran her another IV. And the new vet gave her something else in a shot he thought might work. Said her heart mummur didn't appear to be any worse then when she was here last week, but still don't know if she's going into heart failure or if it is the worms. They drew blood and are gonna check her red blood count. she may be anemic. They said we could make a harness and rig something up from the barn beam to get her on her feet. Kinda like they do cows when they are down. She Acts like she wants to get up, but when the vets where holding her up it was like she wouldn't put any pressure on her front right leg. Possibly bc she hasn't stood for a week now. But we did get a straw bail and laid her on it and at first she wasn't putting anything weight on her front leg, but after a while she did start pushing on it. But It's super hot here. So we didn't wanna do too much at once Esp with it being so warm out and maybe stress her out. Vet said her eye lids were still paler than what they should be , but he's seen so white before where they should of been dead ,but still weren't. But I guess paler than what they should be is better then white like they were. She seemed to look better. Atleast to me. She still wasn't up, but she seemed in better spirits. Eating hay, gobbled down her grain, looking around. She lost alot of her squeaker( her voice) but she was sure trying her best to give us hell bc we weren't moving fast to give her grain to her. So I guess still day by day. Hopefully something comes up in her blood bc they said other than that she's eating, drinking, popping is normal. I'm not sure if they took a stool sample again to check for worms or not. You'd think, but I don't remember if my husband said. It was all alot of information to take in when I got home. I will still continue to keep you app updated
They probably gave her thiamine. I think that would be very good for her. You will need to give several doses.
If her eyelids are pale, she is anemic. That is the point of looking at the eyelids
Be VERY care with a sling! Don't leave her in it for very long. The pressure can cause them to boat- bloat leading to possible death. Do it for short periods to get those legs working again!
Yes. They did give her thiamine. But he said only one dose of it! so hopefully whatever they gave her today then will work. And it was enough. And the blood results come back with something. So then we know what to fix.
Yes. We , well he knows more about all of this farming stuff then myself. I learn by what he tells me and just from having them for all these years. But he did question doing it bc of hurting her belly. But like you said , limit her time. 1/2 hour maybe. And we would definitely stay with her the whole time. Just to help her get weight on her legs since it's been so long. Maybe in hopes that will help her stand again. <3 <3
well new day, new update. Her blood count came back normal. So not anemic. We are thinking she has that "wasting disease" I don't know too much about it expect for what my husband has told me. Just that she got it, if that's the case, when she was a kidd. From her litter and it normally comes out whenever they are older. Atleast in cows it does. They are doing another test of her blood to see if that's what it may be. If so, Nothing we can really do about it. I guess make her as comfortable as we can and love her until the end. Not sure if the other one could have it if Bella does infact have this, but it's something Im choosing not to find out.. Since there is nothing you can do for it, I don't wanna know. Bc I will spend all my days worrying and upset that she's "sick" or will become "sick" Guess we wont know anything for sure until tomorrow probably. Think we will hold off on the sling and trying to stand her up if that's the case. No point in it if she's really never going to walk again, which it kinda looks that way. She doesn't seem to be in any pain. I don't know if she tried to get up earlier today or not. I came home from work and she was laying on her side. It looked like she moved her legs around and just couldn't do it and fell over. We would never let our animals go in pain just for the sake of keeping them around as hard as it will be. But I just don't feel like shes in pain now. Uncomfortable maybe just not pain.
Just from what the vet had said. I guess she thought maybe it's a possibility. That's why they r running another blood test on her. That it normally happens in cows , but it's not unheard of of goats to get it. do you thinkher symptoms and how she is now is not related to that? I've never even heard of it until today.
I don't see why the vet thinks it's Johnes. It doesn't sound like she has the symptoms- at least not from what you have described. Does she have good body condition?
What does her coat look like?
Remind me again, when was her last fecal run?
Did the vet look over her feet and legs?
Personally if she were mine I'd work on seeing if she can get up.
What legs is she having the problems with? Front or back?
Is it possible to get some pics and possibly a video? You can post them or message them to me.