Chillin' with the herd
Yeah, my hubby prefers todo quick kills too.. We were pretty poor when we were a kid, and for lack of a gun or a sharp knife/ axe my dad used a hammer(him being a carpenter by trade.. go figure)redtailgal said:Wow. Poor Larry! And you and the other kids! I'd guess that was sort of rough.
I dont participate in the killing either, lol. Hubby says that I am a "fixer of sick critters not a killer of healthy ones", lol.
We prefer to shoot ours, and then go to a quick throat slit. Freezerburn died quickly. He did moan once, which concerned both of us, and we have decided that we need to do a better job. it is probable that his moan was postmortem, and only left over air leaving. But, still, it bothered us, so we will work on that.
Even if you dont end up doing the meat aspect, goat are just FUN, lol.
We definately will be doing humane slaughter. I had a slow culled roo,(why I wont be culling anymore) I am fine if its already gone(preferably with no head, its the lifeless eyes that I have a problem with)
I love my animals, even the ones that are destined to feed us, I feel they deserve the respect as any other animal and desrve a quick painless death. Afterall, just because some animals were put here for food, does not mean they are to suffer.