One Fine Acre - 2023 4H Steer Project Update


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I guess the vet /preg check was a mixed blessing? Are you going to get a bull to get them bred for fall calves next year? It's probably good the heifers weren't bred and that the other 3 have a "final destination". And it will give you all some cash to work with. I get not castrating the bull calves as far as knife cutting; but what about banding? We use a "callicrate" bander on the large bull calves. You can do any up to 800+ lbs. We always leave the jersey and holstein and dairy cross bulls as bulls until they are about 400 + lbs., as they don't seem to get the pot/hay gut as much. Maybe because the hormones help them to grow a little faster. And anytime we "miss a calf" or something, we will use the "big bander" as I call it, on them. They HAVE to get a shot of tetanus, some call for a shot 2 weeks before & again at banding, we only do it at banding and keep a watch on them for a few days to make sure there is no swelling. The sack is usually cold within 2 days as it cuts off the circulation very fast. Some people hate them, we really have liked it. One other thing, if the testicles haven't descended on a calf, this gives them a chance to and then you don't have to worry about missing one and having a stag. NO BLOOD, no open wound, no flies, and in the cold weather, next to no smell. It will shrivel up and fall off. In the summer/hotter weather, it will smell, but the thing I like is that we will see calves go right back to eating and acting normal after about an hour. It cuts off the circulation, and they don't suffer with the pain because you are really cranking it down tight. Sure, it hurts when you do it.... but so does a knife cut. We will take and cut off the sack in a week in the hot weather since the band has cut off all blood flow and they won't bleed after.
I sat at the sale today and there weren't too many. Steers brought in the 1.00 to 1.55 range, most in the 1.35 to 1.47s. Anything from 350 to 700. Bulls were .20 to .30 less, 1.00 to 1.30 for most, and there were some pretty decent ones considering the small sale size. Prices were a little bit better than I expected. Heifers were in the .85 to 1.25 for 3-550 weights. Anything over 600 barely brought 1.00 but again there were few to chose from and a couple looked bred ( too young). I didn't stay for the cull cows.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
So an update on the cattle. Took the money from the sales and purchased 80 round bales of bermuda hay. That should feed until May.
Also, Maurine decided at this point would be best to rent a bull. They've done that before so at this point that would be easiest. They are going to work on that next week.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I think that renting a bull for only the number you are down to is smart. We did it in the past when we were a small operation. Now we rent a few out to other people as they all aren't working all the time and most that have only 10-15 or so cows, the bulls aren't working very hard for very long. Don't forget to figure when you want the calves born as to when you put the bull in. We have bulls in with our fall calving cows now, for fall calves again next year. We try to get them in in by mid Nov but this year was later. Want to get away from these Dec calves because of the "iffy" weather..... but next year they will be late again.:( Plan to take the bulls out after no more than a 90 day window, and might get it down to 75. A few of these real late fall calvers will be held over til next year, to be bred in June/july to calve in March instead. Because they are already in Dec they won't lose but 3-4 months. At least we look forward to nicer weather coming in the spring. Your weather in NC is probably a little warmer than ours here in the mountainous western part?
What size bales did you get?:idunno 80 seems like a pretty good deal for the sale money from the cattle. You should be seeing green grass before May shouldn't you? :hu We were mowing the yard here in April, then got the rain and needed to be making hay by the first of May and it was weeks before we could get a window to get going on it.
Hope you had a nice holiday. Looks like you are going to get wet again too.....:barnie:hit