OneFineAcre at the 2014 Rowan County Fair


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
Went to the Rowan County Fair this weekend, something new for us. We weren't really looking another show between NC Mountain State Fair and NC State fair, but we were actually very cordially invited to attend this show. Wife received an email a month ago from a Nigerian and Nubian breeder we know in Rowan county asking if we were interested in coming. The show only started last year and is small only Nigerians, Nubians, Recorded Grades and AOP. They were concerned about having enough for the Nigerian show to be official and she knew if we brought ours it would be covered. Then we got an email from the fair manager saying how much they would appreciate it if we would come. And I can tell you the fair really treated us very nice since we traveled 2 1/2 hours to come. But, it turned out to have been worth the trip.

We did really well, and on top of that Evan Evans was the judge. She is one of the most highly regarded judges in ADGA. She is from SC and her family has had a class A dairy for 40 years. She owns every breed of goat recognized by ADGA.


You know the saying "always the bridesmaid, never the bride". We were starting to feel that way about Moonpie. She had been Reserve Grand Champion Jr. twice as a yearling. Well she finally became the bride this weekend and was Grand Champion. The judge just raved on how "dairy" she was for a Nigerian.


Cocoa has been in the championship line up about every show, but she's never gets picked in top two. She got her first Reserve Grand Champion. She is a 3-4 year old and has freshened 3 times. Not to bad especially since she finished second to her mom. :)


Now this we were really happy about. Maurine and I disagree on a lot of things about our goats, but there is one thing we agreed about, that Ginger's time would come one day. She is the matriarch of our herd and has been the mother to champions, but had never won one herself. Cocoa who was reserve is one of her daughters, and Taffy is one of her daughters. She is also everything you would want in a milker she's one of our top producers and is very thrifty. She's never been wormed with anything other than safeguard, and produces and maintains condition on grass hay and cow feed. She is 5 years old and has freshened 5 times. The judge said that no matter where you touched her udder front back or side it was well attached. And when she walks her topline is almost perfectly level
Way to go Ginger, Grand Champion.


We entered Zamia in the Champion Challenge. There weren't any other entries, so essentially Zamia was only challenging Ginger. Zamia was picked as Best of Breed. Judge said that her udder was basically everything you were looking for in a dairy goat. She is 4-5 year old and has freshened 4 times

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Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
Thanks a lot. We really had a good time, and the fair really treated us well. Plus, no entry fees, no pen fees and they pay $25 for first, down to $10 for 5th and below. So, every animal got at least $10. We had 5 animals out of 8 in the championship lineup for Sr. does.., 2 firsts (Ginger and Cocoa) and 3 seconds (Rosemary, Coleus, and Daisy). So, I'm hoping when we get our check it will pay for the trip and help cover part of the Mt. State Fair too. State Fair is last of Oct, that pays half the hay bill for the year.:)
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