opinions on buying from auction


The Shepherd
Oct 23, 2009
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I've been looking on the Winston-Salem Craigslist and I'm finding several options of goats for right around $100. :)


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Aug 8, 2011
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aggieterpkatie said:
I've been looking on the Winston-Salem Craigslist and I'm finding several options of goats for right around $100. :)
CL has tons of bucks right now. Lots of boers around too. We are looking for a pygmy, ND, or mix of the 2 breeds. Some of the places are too far away too. DH is picky about how far he will go for an animal. One of the options you probably saw on Winston Salem CL is the triplets my daddy just had born at his house! 2 boys 1 girl!

Yes, SFG has it right, we already have our 2 wethers here so any doe we get will have company!

I've found a couple ads in the NC Ag Review that are in our budget and not too far away. I will be showing them to DH and letting him call the people selling if he wants to.


Exploring the pasture
Dec 15, 2010
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Iv gotten 3 goats from the sale barn. I have not gone myself. But my friends have, around here pygmy mixes are a common thing to see at the sale barn. I think alot of it is a lot of people get them for pets then dont want them and haul them of. Im not telling you to go to the sale barn and buy ive gotten lucky so far. My goats i got have already been isolated for over 1 month before i got them. And have been given all shots. 2 does i got both have been bred and produced pretty babies. 1 doe i sold as she look like she could not keep her color maybe she could not absorb minerals good. She was a brown and white but unless i put extra mineral on her feed her brown would fad to a yellow color. Daisy May is my other doe and so far knock on wood she has not been sick. The other goat is still at my friend house i will be trading my little buck for her. We were supposed to trade from her own stock but all her does were having bucks so she went to a sale barn and bought a young doe for me. She goes all the time and she is a vet so i trust her.
I dont think i would fill safe buying a bred pygmy mixed doe at the sale . For all you know she was bred to a boar buck and the people got rid of her in fear of problem with the birth.


Loving the herd life
Dec 10, 2010
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North Georgia Mountains
the only thing I use the sale barn for is selling meat goats, the young Bucks I'm not keeping for breeding, i do use CL a lot, had a guy call yesterday and offer a insulting low price on a BUCK, then asked why was he worth the amount i was asking mhen he would only bring 200 at the sale, I told the guy I'm not selling him at the sale he is a great breeder, So I don't buy from the sale barns if looking for breeding stock.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
Out of curiosity, as I have never been to a sale barn, are they mostly for purchasing/selling goats to be used as meat? It does seem like it would be a bad move to get a goat at one to be used as a pet or breeding animal, but I was just wondering if there is any other reason besides meat?


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 4, 2011
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Burnet County
marlowmanor said:
Yes, SFG has it right, we already have our 2 wethers here so any doe we get will have company!

I've found a couple ads in the NC Ag Review that are in our budget and not too far away. I will be showing them to DH and letting him call the people selling if he wants to.
Shame your not closer.. I have a few going for $100 or less with possible AGS papers.
Sure you don't want to have some shipped in? :gig


Chillin' with the herd
Sep 19, 2011
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Bronson, Tx
Honestly, I think there are good auction barns and there are bad ones.

i haven't bought anything from a sale barn other than chickens and one horse. I've bought lots of chickens at the sale barn and have never been jipped in my opinion. But I only buy animals that look young and healthy. The horse was a steal and a great deal. only $150 and he's a 3 year old gelding, good size and conformation, and already broke to ride. I also saw horses at that sale that I wouldn't touch with a mile long pole.

I don't think all sale barns are bad. I think you just need to know what you're doing. Then again, around here, sale barns is exactly how people sell their animals around here. Perfectly good, young animals are sold all the time at these sales. We're way back in the sticks and not many people have a lot of time and money and don't make an effort to actually make a business or a webpage for their animals. They just take them to the sale and they get a reputation for having good animals and they sell well.


Chillin' with the herd
Feb 1, 2012
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Wilbraham, MA
Not sure if your state has an SPCA, but ours here in Massachusetts has a farm, and they have plenty of healthy goats and other farm animals that need to be adopted. If you just want them as pets and not for breeding or milking, you should check it out.


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Aug 8, 2011
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SassyKat6181 said:
Not sure if your state has an SPCA, but ours here in Massachusetts has a farm, and they have plenty of healthy goats and other farm animals that need to be adopted. If you just want them as pets and not for breeding or milking, you should check it out.
Thanks, that is actually a good idea. I think we have one in Raliegh area maybe. I will have to check petfinder to find out. I know you can find farm animals on there too. I had forgotten all about it!


Loving the herd life
Nov 13, 2010
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BC, Canada
There are good and bad sale barns, i agree fully on that one. I like to go to one about 3 hrs drive from here, its in hutterite country and way out in the booneys, people don't have internet/email out there, they bring EVERYTHING to the sale barn. I am mainly a sheep/poultry buyer but I am picky as heck :lol:

There is a pygmy breeder out there with some gorgeous pygmys(I got no clue about goats but I have seen a few pygmies and these are by far the nicest) and she only sells thru the auction and not private(lil old lady with no phone or internet, doesn't want visitors either, I asked her when she dropped off goats).
Also I am very hands on at the auction, if I see something I like be it sheep, goat or emu (should have seen the crowd I gathered entering that sales pen and manhandling them birds, was cool), I go in the pen pick it up, look at teeth, look for external parasites, clean smooth coat vs rough dull coat etc.

Yes breeders bring their culls there, but some are culls just because of conformation/colour and some due to health and picking out that difference can be difficult. But for example last auction I went to there a Boer breeder brought 3 heavily pregnant, very nicely build and marked boer does but they had developed growths in their udders(which were nice udders for boers from what ive read) which would mean the kids would have to be bottle raised that he didn't want to do with over 100 does kidding he ends up with enough bottle babies and these girls looked like they will triple . Those would be does I would buy, let them birth their kids, cull the doe and bottle raise the kids. For the $100 a piece that they went for I could have had 2-3 kids each and dogfood for a while...

Its always a buyer beware on auctions, never believe the labels on the pens/animals, before going study up like there is no tomorrow and really inspect you "item" of interest before it goes on the auction block.

And then there are auction markets where you wanna burn your clothes like others have mentioned... I haven't been to one of those yet but I don't doubt their existance at all, I am lucky to be near an area where the old "technological handicapped" farmers sell all their stock at farmgate or auction.