Chillin' with the herd
Since this touches on breeds/feeding/care/ect I decided to put this in everything else.
It seems like a lot of times people are on here asking about what breeds to get, how much it cost to but meat in the freezer, ect, so I thought that I would share our actual numbers. I will try to put a value to the item so anyone can modify per local prices.
Background info - My wife decided that she wanted to raise a steer for the freezer last winter, and being a good husband (and smart) I said whatever you want dear. We decided that since it was our first time a young steer would be nice so we could get used to handling cattle. In January we found a fairly inexpensive steer from a local dairy. It was 2-3 months old and looked to be a jersey brown swiss cross (call him steer "A"). About 2 months later we picked up a 1 month old full blood jersey from the same farm (steer "B"). Both were healthy bright eyed bull calves that were already on hay and grain.
They were both raised with free choice grain in front of them 24/7, with limited hay, and limited pasture. Our spring was crazy with lots of wild temperature swings so it wasn't the best growing conditions. We also fought pink eye in the summer, steer "B" was always a lot more high maintnence then steer "A". We banded in May/June time frame.
Our feed was a ration of ground ear corn and a steak maker concentrate designed especially for dairy steers. The nutritionalist I was working with recomended a max of 2-3 lbs of hay/head/day, but we didn't hold to that. They always had more hay & graze than that.
We decided to take them to the butcher early since we were out of ear corn, our freezer was almost empty, and we needed space in the barn for the beef cows & calves. It also seemed like it make the most sense when I projected our cost out until finish. So here is a quick run down. All these prices are current market value, not what I actually have into it. You can't buy ear corn from a grain elevator so I plugged in cost to buy shelled corn (ear corn weights 70lbs/bu, shelled corn is 56lbs/bu). I did not figure in water, fuel to grind & haul feed, ect. It's too hard for me to quantify these cost currently.
Steer "A"
Price - $150
Weight - 125 lbs
Rate of gain - 1.5 lbs/day +/-
Grain Used - 2 tons (50 bu ear corn, 10 bags of concentrate)
grain cost - $570 (corn $8/bu, concentrate $17/bg)
Hay cost - $50 ($200/tn)
Hanging weight - 375 lbs
Live weight - 575 lbs
Proccessing cost - $205
Total cost - $975
Price/lbs - $3.44/lb
Projected Finish weight - 1,000 lbs (Aug '13)
Projected hanging weight - 650 lbs
Projected additional feed - $1500 (@ 4% feed intake/day)
Projected total cost - $2750 (added some for hay, bedding, increased process cost)
Projected price/lb - $4.23/lb
Steer "B"
Price - $100
Weight - 85 lbs
Rate of gain - 1 lb/day +/-
Grain Used - 1 tons (25 bu ear corn, 5 bags of concentrate)
grain cost - $285 (corn $8/bu, concentrate $17/bg)
Hay cost - $30 ($200/tn)
Hanging weight - 210 lbs
Live weight - 325 lbs
Proccessing cost - $105
Total cost - $520
Price/lbs - $2.50/lb
Projected Finish weight - 900lbs (Jan '14)
Projected hanging weight - 585 lbs
Projected additional feed - $2200 (@ 4% feed intake/day)
Projected total cost - $2650 (added some for hay, bedding, increased process cost)
Projected price/lb - $4.52/lb
Yes, you can raise them for less, especially with cutting back on the grain. But, right now with hay at $300-400/ton the cost of gain is less with grain. Yes a lot of times people can find a day old bottle calf for $25-50, my numbers reflect the healthy started calves we bought. Make sure you figure in replacer and death loss with day olds.
If our projected cost would have been lower we may have found a way to finish them out. But with the higher cost to finish & needing the barn space & beef it made sense. I would rather but the corn we have through a steer that can utilize it better and give us a lower cost of gain (like our angus x beef steers)
Yes, you can also raise them on pasture with little grain. We tried it. After 2-3 weeks they were back in the barn. The beef crosses were on the same pasture and eaisly maintaning condition while the jersey's dropped condition fast.
It seems like a lot of times people are on here asking about what breeds to get, how much it cost to but meat in the freezer, ect, so I thought that I would share our actual numbers. I will try to put a value to the item so anyone can modify per local prices.
Background info - My wife decided that she wanted to raise a steer for the freezer last winter, and being a good husband (and smart) I said whatever you want dear. We decided that since it was our first time a young steer would be nice so we could get used to handling cattle. In January we found a fairly inexpensive steer from a local dairy. It was 2-3 months old and looked to be a jersey brown swiss cross (call him steer "A"). About 2 months later we picked up a 1 month old full blood jersey from the same farm (steer "B"). Both were healthy bright eyed bull calves that were already on hay and grain.
They were both raised with free choice grain in front of them 24/7, with limited hay, and limited pasture. Our spring was crazy with lots of wild temperature swings so it wasn't the best growing conditions. We also fought pink eye in the summer, steer "B" was always a lot more high maintnence then steer "A". We banded in May/June time frame.
Our feed was a ration of ground ear corn and a steak maker concentrate designed especially for dairy steers. The nutritionalist I was working with recomended a max of 2-3 lbs of hay/head/day, but we didn't hold to that. They always had more hay & graze than that.
We decided to take them to the butcher early since we were out of ear corn, our freezer was almost empty, and we needed space in the barn for the beef cows & calves. It also seemed like it make the most sense when I projected our cost out until finish. So here is a quick run down. All these prices are current market value, not what I actually have into it. You can't buy ear corn from a grain elevator so I plugged in cost to buy shelled corn (ear corn weights 70lbs/bu, shelled corn is 56lbs/bu). I did not figure in water, fuel to grind & haul feed, ect. It's too hard for me to quantify these cost currently.
Steer "A"
Price - $150
Weight - 125 lbs
Rate of gain - 1.5 lbs/day +/-
Grain Used - 2 tons (50 bu ear corn, 10 bags of concentrate)
grain cost - $570 (corn $8/bu, concentrate $17/bg)
Hay cost - $50 ($200/tn)
Hanging weight - 375 lbs
Live weight - 575 lbs
Proccessing cost - $205
Total cost - $975
Price/lbs - $3.44/lb
Projected Finish weight - 1,000 lbs (Aug '13)
Projected hanging weight - 650 lbs
Projected additional feed - $1500 (@ 4% feed intake/day)
Projected total cost - $2750 (added some for hay, bedding, increased process cost)
Projected price/lb - $4.23/lb
Steer "B"
Price - $100
Weight - 85 lbs
Rate of gain - 1 lb/day +/-
Grain Used - 1 tons (25 bu ear corn, 5 bags of concentrate)
grain cost - $285 (corn $8/bu, concentrate $17/bg)
Hay cost - $30 ($200/tn)
Hanging weight - 210 lbs
Live weight - 325 lbs
Proccessing cost - $105
Total cost - $520
Price/lbs - $2.50/lb
Projected Finish weight - 900lbs (Jan '14)
Projected hanging weight - 585 lbs
Projected additional feed - $2200 (@ 4% feed intake/day)
Projected total cost - $2650 (added some for hay, bedding, increased process cost)
Projected price/lb - $4.52/lb
Yes, you can raise them for less, especially with cutting back on the grain. But, right now with hay at $300-400/ton the cost of gain is less with grain. Yes a lot of times people can find a day old bottle calf for $25-50, my numbers reflect the healthy started calves we bought. Make sure you figure in replacer and death loss with day olds.
If our projected cost would have been lower we may have found a way to finish them out. But with the higher cost to finish & needing the barn space & beef it made sense. I would rather but the corn we have through a steer that can utilize it better and give us a lower cost of gain (like our angus x beef steers)
Yes, you can also raise them on pasture with little grain. We tried it. After 2-3 weeks they were back in the barn. The beef crosses were on the same pasture and eaisly maintaning condition while the jersey's dropped condition fast.