Today Kendall's kids got dis-budded. Lulu and Annie (Clover's twin doelings) also got their last CD/T shot for a whole year! That's nice, because we've brought them to the veterinary clinic three times this past month and a half. Luckily though, the clinic is only a ten minutes' drive from here.
Thank you! We are selling Penelope's kids (I think we already have a buyer who wants both of them!) and Kendall's buckling, but I think I'll just have to keep Kendall's doeling.
On April the 17th we (meaning me ) milked Penelope for the first time. She did well, although while I was cleaning her teats she tried to kick once and so I hobbled her. After that she stood like a seasoned milker. I got 2 cups, 3 oz., which is more than Clover gave at her first milking.
The only trouble I had was that her teats are a lot smaller and skinnier than Clover's, AND her udder is so low (and she's so small too) that I couldn't use my normal milking bucket, but a much smaller container from the house.
Awww!! How did I miss this I would normally get an email saying you updated. Anyways congrats they are all so cute!!! . Maybe it's a thing with myotonics cause miracle when I milked her about a week ago for the first time she only kicked a few times but after she settled down she milked better than my 3rd freshener Mary Ann who still kicks after 3 years of milking! She only have like 1/2 a cup but man was it good it was just like heavy whipping cream! I was expecting it to taste like half and half but it was like full cream!
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