Magnolia didn't kid yesterday or last night..........but she did kid at about 2:00 this afternoon! She had twin doelings, so that makes 6 doelings and 2 bucklings for this year!
She kidded at the other end of the pasture, and I decided not to lock her up. When she had the first kid, she was confused and didn't know what to do, so I had to dry it off while she mawed softly and watched. She cleaned the second kid herself though.
They look and feel way smaller then any of the other goat kids we've previously had this year. I don't know if that's because we haven't had newborns for a month now though......Could be.
Firstborn (she has the white appaloosa spots like Magnolia)
Magnolia's goat kids are doing well! Their only faults are extra teats. The first one (Jeanie) has two extra teats, and the second kid (Joanie) has one. I'm so bummed, as we were probably going to keep both! Oh well, maybe I can buy a Mini-Nubian doeling to replace them with.
So far we are keeping three doelings from this year, Lulu, Annie, and Midge. They will be replacing their mamas.