Goat Mistress
LOL Kim, I have TWELVE bucks right now, stop yer plainin...
Oakmarsh - yep, thats Scorch, Flame x Aspen. Hope you get babies today!
Oakmarsh - yep, thats Scorch, Flame x Aspen. Hope you get babies today!
Can you post a pic of Mama and son together for size comparison?Roll farms said:Oh my DANG.
It's been 8 yrs since I've called a vet to assist w/ a kidding. 8 years. I thought I had this 'kid pullin' thing licked.
Guess not...
Penny tried, I tried, we tried...and tried...and tried to get this kid out...for 1.5 hrs....her on her own for 45 mins, then me and her for 45 mins. Then I called the vet. It took them 30 mins to get here and by then I was sure the kid was toast.
I was also sure by that point that just by his size / hornbuds I could feel, that it was a HE. And that he looked Togg, I could tell by the white legs / chin I could get out...but nothing else.
I was just sure he was a goner, I hadn't felt any movement for a while, and I was trying to keep her vulva opened so there was an airway, just in case...but I was pretty sure it was a lost cause.
The vet got here and tugged and tugged and pulled and asked, more than once, "WHAT THE HECK IS IT HUNG UP ON????" because neither of us could feel anything causing him to be hung up, she's just narrow in the pelvis.
(She was on the milk stand during all this, locked in.)
He tried putting one leg back in and delivering a shoulder, then the head, etc....back in, back out, nothing worked. Finally he just squatted down on the floor and gave a mighty tug w/ Penny bellowing like she was dying and FINALLLLLLYYYYYYYY....he came out.
All 12 pounds of him! That'd be a huge kid for a boer, much less an Ob!
I was so relieved b/c I really didn't want to put her through a C-section but when I saw the kid was alive / breathing...I WAS ELATED.
For perspective's sake, here's a shot of me holding him...
I'm not sure how the poor boy's front legs aren't now about 6" longer than the back ones...they're pretty weak and buckle-prone, but good golly after having them yanked on for 1.5 hrs I don't blame him. He's alert, standing on the back legs, trying to get up on the front legs, has eaten 2 times and acts fine.
Penny's poor twee is so swollen, I feel so bad for her. He didn't think we needed to give Pen G (neither of us could ever really 'get in' there, there was no room w/ Mr. Big Head holding us back...) so we gave her some Banamine for pain / swelling, oxytocin to help her pass the stuff, and I'm to monitor her for bleeding. Which has stopped.
She gave me a bit over 1/2 gallon of liquid gold (colostrum) and ate a hearty dinner and is being a very sweet doe, considering all we put her through. I'd probably kick anyone who came near me after that, poor kid.
Vet's opinion...Penny just makes big kids.
I asked if cutting back her feed would have made a difference and he said maybe a slight one, but the kid isn't 'fat', he's just long / wide / big framed. Also said since she's a heavy milker, cutting her feed back might not be a good idea b/c of the hypocalcemia angle...
Who wants to let me use their black Nigi buck next year for her?![]()
Emmetts Dairy said:"gigantor the toggie buck"