Herd Master
Not soup - but chili would be great. Or onion soup.Making bread bowls for soup. But I need to make a soup worthy of them.
So, I am seeking suggestions.
Broccoli Cheddar?
Clam Chowder?
Something else?
Not soup - but chili would be great. Or onion soup.Making bread bowls for soup. But I need to make a soup worthy of them.
So, I am seeking suggestions.
Broccoli Cheddar?
Clam Chowder?
Something else?
Praying right this minute for you. That’s what I have to do, because as you can see from our convo, my memory is fleeting. I have a whiteboard on my fridge to remind myself to bake the bread that’s out in the one I never use, who to call, etc because if I don’t see it in front if me, I won’t remember, and if it’s in front of me too long, I stop seeing it ! So a prayer may only happen once but it’s never put off.I’m using the patches for my osteoporosis. I refuse to use pharmaceuticals. The side effects are horrible. I just refuse. I had just started patching on my last bone scan, so not enough time for the patch to take effect. My next bone scan is in November and I can’t wait. In the meantime, I have more energy, more stamina and I feel great.
Big hugs.
I know I still have a couple if the mullein leaves left, I need to look over that shelf and the containers and stuff and see. You sent a ton of stuff, and I am so grateful for it!Hope the patches help. There were some mullein seed with the plantain, I think.No doubt constant pain is depressing along with painful! Hope you're well enough for a garden...mine is challenging from just the work it requires and I'm not in pain. The prescriptions help some?¿? Be careful to check what plants may not mix with them!
You're better today!!
I have a gazillion seeds now, but thanks! Baymule is the one to talk to re the patchThis group is so good for all us - opening new doors and spreading good info.
What patches for osteoporosis??
I started taking CholestMD and in three months it improved my cholesterol. I refuse to take the Rx stuff.
Oh and the mullien -- that grows ALL OVER the place here. We call it telegraph weed. I don't know hove to get the seeds from it - never tried - but I can if you want me to.