Years ago I had an LGL. One day the water meter reader hopped the pasture fence to check on a main no one knew was still active. He finished his check to look up and see two pyrs walking toward him glaring. Between them was a month old bottle lamb keeping pace. He hopped the fence and laughed himself silly. Then he called me to tell me I had a lamb out (Nice guy). I explained and he asked about my sheep-dog whenever he read the meter.
I’ve had a rough few days but today am fighting my way back, yet again.
I made it out to clean Mister’s stall and brought him in the back yard to graze for a bit. I seriously need to do something about the weeds. It’s out of control from all the years of neglect. It was good to see Mister though. He was happy to see me too and came trotting up when I whistled for him.
I’m a bit stressed out about getting the chicken pen fixed. It’s something I can’t do and Randy keeps putting it off. The rabbits and chickens can’t stay on the porch much longer. One doe is due to kindle the first week in September and I have no place for her. The chicks are fast outgrowing their trough. They are stinky too. Yup. Stressed.
Fen saw water for what I think is the first time yesterday. Heathen hated getting his feet wet but Fen jumped in and was disappointed that it wasn’t deep enough for swimming. He had a ball and was even willing to get back in his portable prison!
He enjoyed exploring and didn’t realize he’d gone beyond his dinner time and missed 45 min of whining and begging before it was time to eat. I think I will take us out everyday at this time
There were lots of willows there so I cut a couple branches for the rabids who inhaled them.
I took the big shop vac out and cleaned the walls on the coop. Will paint it today and pray Randy gets roof fixed and growout cage inside before Sept 1. It’s a crunch and stressing the heck out of me!