Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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I am so sorry.... he doesn't look good at all... will you have the vet out?
Unfortunately no. The closest vet is more than 2 hr away and “ranch charges” are astronomical. Add to that, the one I sent pics to doesn’t think he would survive the trip.
One of the hardest things is that euthanizing him isn’t possible for 2 reasons. 1- no vet. 2- with a bad heart the drug often fails and what it does to the animal is horrific. I watched it happen once, vet pronounced mare dead 3 X. She continued to stagger back to her feet in absolute terror. It has haunted me for 40 years.

They shoot them here. I can’t. I just can’t…

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
With luck and the Grace of God, he will lay down, go to sleep and peacefully cross over. 🙏. It's how my old mini stallion did it. He was laying peacefully, legs tucked and head down. We know they will all leave us one day -- hard as it may be -- but, calm and natural is the best way. 🫂 It's still a 💔

Can you send pic to vet and see if anything can help...even just for comfort.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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They shoot them here. I can’t. I just can’t…
I know shooting sounds horrific. Done correctly it's merciful, instant and painless. No watching the animal stagger around in terror. It's never an easy choice.

Like @Mini Horses said - hopefully he will lay down and pass quietly.

I'm so sorry you and Mister are going through this. :hugs


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I have had to do it a few times and I cried... but I felt better after, knowing they were not in anymore pain... I had to shoot my son's dog after getting cut up in the discbine, and I cried as she looked at me in helpless pain and terror not understanding what had happened to her.. But it was the only merciful thing to do.
Hope he passes quickly for you so he does not suffer more.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Thank you all. He was perky this morning, had come out to meet me at the gate and enjoyed his breakfast. The edema is still just as awful as before. I can’t get over how fast this happened. Last week he was bucking and playing and racing through the pasture scaring the bejeebers out of me that he would hurt himself. Then boom. I never saw this coming.
Since he felt happy this morning, I am going to just let things take their course. If he starts suffering I will call the cowboys in


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Hauled both puppies to vet for last shots. Boone is now 53 lb. He will be 4 mo old on 19th.
Fen is down to a slim trim 56 lb. He was 59 last month so he’s been cut back a little on his breakfast.
Typical LGD breed, Boone was totally chill and took it all in stride.
Fen had a total meltdown. He doesn’t like this vet office. He was like this when we went in last month just to weigh them. I had to have Randy handle Fen because I’m in a flare again (most likely triggered by emotions)
When Fen gets excited or stressed he pulls like a team of runaway mules and my wrists and hands couldn’t take it. Boone was easier to manage. Since he has bonded to me, he stays right with me. The Maremmas were that way too. When I would walk anywhere, they kept perfect pace on either side of me. I felt like I was either being perp walked or had Secret Service.

I pit Fen’s “in-training” vest on Boone as it fits …this week, and we all went into the ranch store. It was good to have everyone who wanted come meet him and give him a treat. He was perfect, friendly but aloof (which we all know is another LGD “thang”)
He enjoyed it, did a little sniffing but not much and never jerked me around like Fen used to do. I didn’t realize how hard Fen and I have had to work or how far we had come until today. There was a big dog in the ranch store who had a big booming bark. Boone just looked at him then blew him off. He pretty much ignored everyone but me until we came across a little 3 yr old boy with his dad. I gave them permission to pet and Boone gently reached out and gave the little guy a gentle kiss. (LGD thang) They were mesmerized by one another, quietly petting and being petted. The Dad kept saying “look Boone! What a nice dog, Boone”. I figured he heard me talking to him as we had come around the corner…then he said “what’s his name?” I was pretty confused, then realized he wasn’t talking to my dog, he was talking to his little boy, whose name is Boone!!! We got a laugh out of that ☺️

Whenever I took Boone out to pee today, he found the first snowbank he could and threw himself on it. He also pee’d for me, but he left his body print on every snow bank in Burns 😆

I figured since opportunities are few, I would take him with me to the store. He was almost perfect. I had to help him sit when I would stop, otherwise he didn’t make a wrong move. We stood a long time in line at the pharmacy and he just laid down next to me, paying no mind to the people or noises around us. I forgot how nice it was to have a dog that isn’t anxious with me.

Meanwhile, Fen had a good time pal-ing around with Randy. (We had split up so they didn’t play bitey face or wrestle 😜)

He also enjoyed lording it over Boone that he got to ride in the place of honor on the back seat and sticking his front end in the console giving wet willies, while Boone had to ride in a crate in the very back. (Which, he really didn’t mind)

Then we went to the filling station where Fen ALWAYS gets a cookie. (It’s illegal to put gas in your own vehicle in Oregon)
There was a new guy who
1. Failed to acknowledge Fen in anyway
2. Did NOT pass out cookies!
I’m sure the guy will be on unemployment soon, once Fen gets his letter to corporate dictated, outlining the offense.

After all the errands were run they passed out in their prospective places for the next two hours, on the way home. It was a good day, all things considered.
We are planning to allow Fen to stay home next week when Randy has to have his hip checked. He can go in and out of the house as he chooses without getting into any real trouble. Boone, on the other hand…well he just can’t be home alone or there may not be a deck left as he’s on a wood eating kick. (LGD thang)
Fenny did so great our last trip but he hates the driving and the whole being still thing so I want to give him a break every other time. Mostly, I need him tasking at home when there is no one to help me. Boone won’t be big enough or mature enough to keep me from falling for quite some time, although his being steady on the leash helps a lot more than I would have guessed so perhaps they will each have their happy place and I will still have the help I need Only time will tell






Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Fen woke me up at 4:30, insisting I feed him. If anyone else was writing this, I would think they were foolish for letting the dog make these kinds of decisions, but Fen is a force of nature. The other thing is, it wakes me up to take a pain pill so I am more prepared to face the day, especially a day after going to town because those are especially painful and if I don’t wake up (been having to take meds to sleep also, so I don’t take pain meds on time) my back will be excruciating from not moving. So it’s a good thing. Idk if Fen is intentionally doing it or not, but it definitely works. He probably is.. he’s too dang smart for his own good.