Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Long day yesterday but the good news is that for over a decade I have needed a “recovery day” anytime we have gone to town because the pain is so bad the next day. They did guided injection yesterday and today not only was I able to get up, I got half of the growouts processed. I’ll finish the rest next week. Back pain didn’t even show up for the first time I can remember!
Boone has been scarfing rabbit heads, the organs are in the dehydrator as puppy crack and he is working on placing himself on his mat. I got it for Heath because we used to go to movies and stuff in California and the floors were gross. Never used it with Fen or Boone but I figure it’s the best way to get Boone positioned where I want him when we go out.
Good day today!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
So the injections -- painful to get -- apparently help! 🥰👍

What is the suggested length of time to enjoy this newfound relief? Ims sure forever would be desired but, know better.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Apparently, the cows tore up and crumpled the 6 ga welded wire fence in Mister’s corral sometime back and my husband, who has been married to me for 30 years and KNOWS you can’t leave horses in with !@&!! like that, did anyway. I didn’t know because I hadn’t been able to get back there for some while. It looks like Mister got a leg through. He couldn’t put hardly any weight on it last night and was toe walking and in a lot of pain.
I was so p!ssed I couldn’t even look at Randy. I was unable to do anything until today. I went searching for my standing bandages and quilted cottons and Bute. Unable to find anything in the mess of a tackroom (another point of contention) I climbed over the 1000+ empty feed bags he has tossed in my stock trailer as I thought my meds would be in the gooseneck. After tripping and falling my way there and climbing on feedbags, I started looking through stuff and thats when the hornets swarmed on me.
I got nailed in about 7 different spots. I’m allergic to bees so I’m grateful I didn’t have a serious reaction. Just a lot of pain, redness and hard swelling. I put lavender EO on what all I could reach and spent the afternoon on ice packs.
One of the cowboys had some Bute, and I found 1 cotton and my running bandages (not what I wanted but it will have to do). I washed and dried them, located my Nitrofurazone and after slathering the leg with it, wrapped it in saran wrap, the cotton bandage and the running bandage over the top to sweat the leg down. (His lameness apparently has been going on several days so ice won’t help.) I fed him the Bute with his Senior and got a water tub filled for him and locked him in the paddock. The good news is once I had a support bandage on him he started putting some weight on the leg so hopefully there are no hairline fractures. Tomorrow evening, assuming there is no slippage, I’ll jerk the sweat and see what we are looking at. I’m praying whoever feeds for us Monday can be trusted to give him his Bute. I will mix it up for AM and PM. Thursday, when we were gone all day, no one fed my animals until after we got home at 10 pm.
One of the many things about living here that turns me off. 🤬

Maybe things will be better tomorrow. My back is still doing pretty good, and I lined Boone’s vest with soft sheepskin stuff so it doesn’t irritate his armpits. He’s thin skinned and was feeling punky all day but he livened up tonight and wanted me to play with his yellow ball. It’s a plus, so I’ll take it!


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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It hurts to swallow this morning. My throat feels swollen but that’s all. I’m not having any trouble breathing, just feels like my tonsils or something is 5x it’s normal size. If I drool instead of swallow, it doesn’t hurt 😝

Boone is out back surveying his kingdom. I assume he’s checking Mister. They have an odd friendship. Boone likes to be near him and scares bejeebers out of me because he likes to walk underneath him Mister tolerates him for the most part. He’ll be back and climb in my bed with wet paws after standing in the whiskey barrel waterfall to drink. 😳
I’m going to hunt down some Benedryl. I will letcha all know how Mister’s doing. Thanks for your support 🥰
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Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
I pulled the sweat. Mister is still limping badly but he IS weight bearing this morning ❤️
He WANTS to fart around so clearly he’s feeling better. Swelling is way down. No actual ouchy spots but there is a minor gash high up on the inside of that leg at the point of that big muscle over that joint. No strong digital pulse, not an awful lot of heat. I am feeling it may just be soft tissue injury and bad bruising. I put just the running wrap on for support. It seems to help. I opened his gate for now as he wants to fart around if he can’t see everything. He’s used to being loose in a double pasture.
My throat is still painful and I can’t talk or swallow. Hopefully Benadryl helps. If you have any other ideas please don’t hesitate to share!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Sorry about your throat! Benadryl should help.

Very glad Mister is better! Maybe some Absorbine or such would be comforting. Yeah, I'd keep support wrap on a few days. I'm sure you know bute helps but, hard on stomach! Love that beautiful guy!!