Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Thank you. ! I appreciate it. This is a scary time as we already lost 3 family members to cancer

Meanwhile Boone came in after his patrol and joined us. He is the sweetest soul!



Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Wow! I had a really bad day yesterday!Boone helped but I really struggled. I sent a text to my Drs for a referral to a different neurologist. Brainfog was horrendous then I became totally exhausted. Boone appears to be getting more intuitive. He’s definitely more affectionate. I took a really nasty fall last night in front of Randy.
When they finally got me back up Boone stayed at my side without so much as s collar on. He escorted me all the way ro my bed, then laid down next to me. and shared about as much affection as a dog can give. I finally sent a pic of him to his breeder and let her know he’s not a full time LGD but has been doing sone service work. She said he looks great and directed the to her owners group.. hope things go well. Still pretty shaky today.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Had some residual brainfog and was a little wobbly but it eventually went away. It was a great day as I got a short text, out of the blue for no reason from my son.

Boone has been doing good with being proofed on his “sit” “down stays” and “recall” in the back yard but he’s not yet ready for the front so I keep the longline on.him.

Randy got up at 4 this morning to meet the boss in Burns as his wife just had surgery in Bend.
He got called out on another fire and had to swap equipment. A new one just popped up between us and Burns. Hope it doesn’t find its way to our valley as Randy has the horse trailer full of trash and there is no way to get Mister out. I would hate to nurture him for 30 years only to lose him to a fire.
Hope I am strong enough to harvest some of the rabids today and get a couple of the does bred. I will need Randy’s help as I am too short to reach him to lift him out. I have to step up on a cement block to put him in and take him out again and with my balance and holding onto a struggling, scratching rabid it’s an accident waiting to happen!


Might seem silly but being up here in solitary confinement, it meant the world to me that he would think about me and just text me that for no special reason. It made my day ☺️

Boone and I had to feed last night. I struggled with the hay flakes off of the 800lb bale and trying to throw them over the fence. I don’t have any arm strength now after tearing my bicep tendon off. They reattached it but we can’t get any physical therapy where we live.

I had Fen help me with all of the ducks. He did okay walking up the rows behind them but when I set him in a sit stay to act as a wall, he bailed on me as soon as they turned the cotner snd headed his direction. He’s still traumatized by the roosters attacking him. Poor guy. It’s gonna take time to build his confidence. I wish I could figure how to get a few of them to the round pen….
I took another header but it didn’t hurt so much as the dirt was soft
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Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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The sous vide came. I am a believer! The way it works is, you vacuum seal your food (in this case meat) and set the target temp for the amount of doneness you want.
It goes in a container of water and the stick keeps the water at that temperature. Slowly (it takes a couple hours to cook) the meat is cooked through, evenly, to that exact temperature. It cannot be overcooked, even if left for extra hours. The meat is then quickly seared and you have absolute perfection ❤️
Also, because the meat is cooked slowly at low heat, the juices remain distributed throughout the meat rather than running out onto your plate.


Another benefit to me, is that I never know WHEN he will show up for dinner. With sous vide, it won’t matter when he shows up. The meat will still be cooked perfectly ❤️