Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Worked all day in bathroom, moving stuff back in, cleaning and reorganizing, throwing stuff away, finding room for stuff that no longer fits. Can’t put cupboards and stuff in because one wall is rockwall (used to be outside of the house) Bathroom had to be added after we moved here. End walls have garden window over tub, other end has heater and toilet, and outer wall has a window, pedestal sink and mirror and chain pull toilet. So I have all the towels, wash clothes, bandaging stuff and miscellaneous crap in the tall skinny freestanding cabinet between tub and door. I think, eventually I will get everything to fit, although it looks pretty tacky with the big economy packs of tail tape, something we take seriously on the ranch as you don’t want to run out when you are 4 hr from town 😂

I made a big pot of beef stew. Gotta get freezer cleaned out as we have a 1/2 beef coming next month, so I need to get all the liver and tongue cut up and dehydrated for the dogs and Boone will get the last of his deer legs.
Extra Dr appt tomorrow cuz I have to get GP to renew Rx for my blood pressure they gave me at hospital. It’s still pretty high, even with the meds so I don’t want to run out.
Meanwhile, I’m out of RA meds because the tax papers I sent in aren’t the ones they wanted so it will be several weeks before they get it all straightened out. This is same med they ran out of last summer which had me hurtin’ pretty bad for about 3 months. Not looking forward to going through that again, especially in winter 😬
But,, I have a bathtub!!! :weee


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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They have agreed to send me an emergency refill on meds. They should get here Tuesday so I will only be out for a few days. Anxiously exploring the ivermectin for RA…it sure has done miracles for my skin cancer. It’s smaller every day!

In town, unfortunately it’s snowing. It wasn’t supposed to snow till tomorrow and my shoes are all wet :he

Got sourdough baked this morning before we left, see Dr for bp Rx then bank for a loan to cover the cc we’ve been living off of. The tub was a huge expense but well worth it. It’s nice not almost face plant everytime I get out!
Spent a hour last night in the hot water with candles, my kindle and a big glass of water. I soaked a hole in my thumb I think


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
They have agreed to send me an emergency refill on meds. They should get here Tuesday so I will only be out for a few days. Anxiously exploring the ivermectin for RA…it sure has done miracles for my skin cancer. It’s smaller every day!

In town, unfortunately it’s snowing. It wasn’t supposed to snow till tomorrow and my shoes are all wet :he

Got sourdough baked this morning before we left, see Dr for bp Rx then bank for a loan to cover the cc we’ve been living off of. The tub was a huge expense but well worth it. It’s nice not almost face plant everytime I get out!
Spent a hour last night in the hot water with candles, my kindle and a big glass of water. I soaked a hole in my thumb I think
I am so happy for you. :hugs


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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This a recovery day. I am typically overwhelmed by pain and fatigue the day after going to town. But this morning I was up unusually early emptied the dishwasher, I had taken a long bath around 3:30,in the morning, I started to make an apple dutch baby for Randy’s breakfast, and after getting the batter started, I found out the apples went bad, I cleaned up that mess and made his chiliquias for breakfast instead, I emptied the very full dishwasher, filled the sugar container, the salt mill, started another batch of bread, fed the dogs, vacuum sucked 3 hours ge spiders out of the house, dealt with panic attack 🙄 and got dinner started.
The plan is to clean out and reorganize the dresser in the bathroom today, but I’m wearing out and getting loopy so it might not get done.

When I baked my boule yesterday, I use the lid from a stock pot, which might have been aluminum because it was too light for stainless steel although the pot itself is stainless. Anyway, when I turn the oven on the house filled with smoke and it smelled really weird and awful so I had to put a fan in the kitchen and open the back door even though it was below freezing.
The only thing I can think of is the aluminum lid I know that people break on aluminum pans and stuff all the time so I’m baffled. All scented candles I made are on duty..
Then this morning there was a weird garlic smell. I checked the oven. There was nothing in there that would burn no stuff on the floor of the oven. The window was kinda yucky, so I got a razor blade and cleaned all that off, but the garlic smell remained. Randy went outside and said it smelled even worse on the deck. Anyway, it looks like somehow Boone managed to kill a skunk without getting sprayed because he doesn’t smell at all, but the house does go figure.!

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