I actually don't! That is the weird thing.... no one within 5 miles of us does... Yet we have had an unusual number of honey and bumble bee's lately! The last two years, since we moved in, we have had major hornet and wasp issues but this year it is all honey and bumble which excites me! I don't know why that one wanted to land on me but she sat on my shorts, my finger, my arm and my leg as well as the armrest of the chair with me for a very, very long time. At first I was nervous but then I felt comfortable with her being there.... Very new for me lol.
Or Bottle babies?
My alpine just did that!!!! Head right into the bucket... and she wasn't a bottle baby!!!Yes, I was talking about BB goats
The OTHER BB story is cool though lol
You will have more then ten goats within the next few yearsWe started with 2, that went right out the window! I won't say how many we have right now…
We freshened 10 does this year and bottle fed all with the exception of 3 kids. 1 was a single that we left on its dam. The other 2 were from a set of quads so we left two on/pulled two. Those kids can sure get crazy! I have mastered the art of bottle feeding. You should try holding five bottles at once.
I have to admit, for the first few days I'm very OCD about feeding the newborns.
Not just anybody is allowed to feed them.
If you want to talk about crazy, we have a few adults that still love milk. Like really love milk. So much that they will put their whole head into the bucket with the milk up past their ears!Scares the daylights out of me and I have to pull them out of it