She doesn't have flaky skin. You see them crawling around when I move her fur around her leg. She is now apart of my family and just like the way I take care of my kids and the rest of my animals I want to do the same with her.
I finally look at the Mini's famacha with my husband with a flash light and compared it with the chart. I am happy to report that she has no worms!!! Thank God!! One tiny problem down and one more to go. Hopefully tomorrow I can start on getting rid of her ticks!!
FAMACHA only works for barber worms. There could be other worms.
If you are seeing mites and eggs use the frontline spray. It is $$$. But should work well. I think you need to use a lot.
This is true but barberpole worms are the ones that kill. The rest cause issues but rarely kill. The frontline spray works great but use it sparingly. Use it too often and it will quit working.
Thanks everyone for the advice I greatly appreciate it. May God bless everyone and multiply his blessings on you more than 101%. I am so blessed to have found this site because it was a huge help!!
No where I live I can only have one. I am with her all day outside. The only time I come in is bedtime and that's around 11 or 12pm. What are the things that can't be cured? Can you tell me abouf their behaviors and the body language so I can at least know what she is expressing to me?