Please Tell Me I'm Not the Only One


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
I'm still trying to navigate the site ... Where are these beautiful pictures, please? I am having a requirement to observe all beautiful pictures. I
Most of the posts we all do are in the "Social" area at the bottom of the main page. Then go to the Journals -- SO MUCH there!
Here's mine:
Oh and the pics of people?! I mostly specialized in dogs and other animals. Most of my people shots were done with PBR at their World Finals when they were in Vegas. LOL Still animals in the shot!


Ridin' The Range
Sep 20, 2024
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I take pictures of the animals in my life.. I take a lot of pictures and videos. A LOT.

Every year, after the calves sh²i/p, I close out all of my picture albums for that crop, including all the pictures of cows and bulls I've taken in the last year, and I start a new album for the incoming class. There are several breakout albums for cause, like any "special" individuals (like Big Mike, aka Pettin' Bull) or calves I decide to track for my bonus pick, non-cow events or activities, special sets, etc. that develop over the year, as well. The only set9⁹ I carry over is the set of shorts that we need to grow a bit bigger before they go to the sale.

The main album alone for the class of 2024 contains well over 1400 images, plus another 600 to 800 in subsequent albums. The majority are taken during calving season and after weaning. The quantity of images seems less excessive when you consider that we run just over 360 cow/calf pairs, plus our nurse cows, a handful of replacement heifers, and the bulls.

So, what do I do with all the images? I don't leave them in mothballs!! I make music videos! I send the videos to the ranch stakeholders who don't work the ranch often or ever. It keeps them somewhat looped in on the herds. I also annoy my social media friends with copious amounts of cow videos.

Do you take lots of pictures of your herd? What do you do with the pictures?

Here are some of my favorites from my "portfolio."

From our current crop.Twenty-three of these seventy-seven cows all calved within 6 days of each other. "Bubby," the heifer at the top of my pick list this year is the sassy calf at the very beginning..

Little Buddy, aka "Junior" was a bull delivered by one of the Jersey nurse cows. I swear that once he stopped being scared of me he learned English and understood every word I said to him. His color didn't match the steer sets and he was bigger than the rest, so he had to leave the ranch early. Dumb bull took my heart and made me cry,
I have thousands of photos on my phone, stored on an SD card. There are wildlife/nature photos of spiders, lizards, flowers, etc. My pets, aquariums, ponds all have albums. Each chicken has its own album, but for group shots I have an album for that.

Over on BYC I documented my hoop coop build in my journal thread with lots of photos of the process.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Professional Bull Riders?🤔 Pabst Blue Ribbon? 🤭 I tried googling but there were just too many results for PBR. But the bull riding seemed the most likely to have an event in Vegas.
Professional Bull Riders - shooting for them, not as "press" - got to go EVERYWHERE :) -- LOL one time one of the "media" shooters (they all had to stay behind lines and in specified areas) was yelling at me that I could NOT be where I was LOL -- she was adamant, I just turned, smiled and waved my PBR ID badge - she shut up and turned beet red.