Loving the herd life
Beautiful kids, congrats!
How did I miss this post??? But it does make me feel a bit better that I did the right thing. The both got colustrum from the mom and from what I had frozen. Both now have the mustard stool and are actively eating and peeing.20kidsonhill said:With her not having very much milk, her instincts are telling her to cull out one kid. At least that is my take on it. I have seen does do this on our farm. Give all the grocieries to one kid and not bother with the other one. It assures one has a chance. Other than head shooting her and keep on trying to get her to have more milk, by allowing the 2nd kid to nurse when ever possible and giving it a bottle to keep it alive. Your only option is what you already did. Leave her with one kid and bottle feed the other one. Head shooting will work, but you have to have the right set up and it is a pain.
They are cute kids.
I have a doe that has done that 2 years in a row and she isn't going to be on our farm much longer.