Prayer Requests & Praises


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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What a beautiful tribute to your brother.

That prayer was hard for me to get through so I can't even imagine how you did it. I don't know the bond of twins - but I have observed it in my father. He is 89 years old and his twin brother passed several years ago. My father has Alzheimers - but there is not one single day that goes by that he doesn't ask about his brother. That bond is not broken even by death for him. You keep carrying on for your brother!


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
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@greybeard - I can't even find the words to pray to God without choking up on it to be honest. I guess this is one of those instances where the Holy Spirit has to just step in and pray for me. My heart hurts for you as I read your story, but I realize that this is the meaning of this thread- for others to share in concerns and prayer. A Christian brother or sister should never have to go through their trials alone. That's why we gather, we talk, and we share. I cannot say I understand in the slightest how this feels for you- all I can do is lend an open ear (well, eye as we are via computer and reading text) and listen with concern. Your story really touches me- the dedication you have to follow through with his last wishes and not only that, but to tend to his property and move the things that were so dear. How difficult it must have been for you to go up to that deer stand on the last go- but I bet there were some good times between him and God in the silence of the woods. I'm sure if he was a hunter, he's probably up there chasing turkeys right about now with health and joy.

What particularly hit me, as I think it seemed to for everyone else, was your prayer. That was something...for you to get through...I couldn't have done it myself. What strength and reserve it must have taken. Bless you for saying such a wonderful prayer there. And for being, as said, a face of strength in such a rough moment.

"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4 KJV

Take some time to yourself and step into nature. Take a moment to just put your heart out there to God, and let Him comfort your soul. It's funny how He sends signs into our lives of the ones we loved- a song at the right moment when you're feeling sad, an animal they really loved approaches as you weep, or a flower on the path they may have loved while you walk in silent thought. I not only pray for your heart, as I know it will never fully heal, but I also pray for your whole family and their well-being too. I am so thankful you took the time to share with your concerned friends here at BYH and to just get it off your chest. I ask that God use my words in a way that comforts, shows concern, and also glorifies Him. Never be afraid to ask for prayer or just talk. I also pray that when you start to feel down, you'll turn it to a smile when you think about the good memories you had together with your brother. I know it must feel empty without him- I can't even begin to imagine. May God lay a comforting hand on you. I send all my best wishes.


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
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Yes, have a blessed Easter to all! Please don't forget the true meaning of this special day. Bunnies are cute, and chocolate is yummy, but the Lord Jesus Christ died for us and was resurrected this day to show us we are saved- we have a new life in Him! The few days prior to this were a time for reflection on His sacrifice and our selves. But now, we should celebrate..... for....

(image courtesy of the YouVersion Bible App- which is a great resource to have on your phone that has so many bible versions available to read, bible study plans, and verse images to share)


Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
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Crawfordsville, IN
I have a prayer request for Michelle and her family. Michelle is 47 and mother of DS that is a highschool senior and DD that is 14. The 3 of them and DD's friend were traveling back from Panama City Beach at conclusion if Spring Break when Michelle had a medical emergency while driving in the proximity of Louisville, KY.

DS had only decided to join in the vacation 2 hours ahead of departure. He was asleep in front passenger seat when awakened by erratic driving. He successfully got the car to the shoulder and stopped safely. He called 911 for his mom who was having a stroke.

She was air lifted to a University of Louisville medical center (or variation of those words) where stroke research is top notch. She had emergency surgery to remove a blood clot. Afterward she could talk and move toes on left foot, but had other loss of sensation and movement on upper left extremity and etc. She also was verbal and following commands but at times nonverbal and unresponsive. She was intubated and had to have a cranial procedure to allow pressure to release. The procedure went without complication and there was less swelling than thought, but still necsssary to alleviate further swelling. Afterward she was taken off the vent and no immediate serious complications.

She is miles from home in ICU and will have a long road to travel. Please pray for her and her family. She is divorced but still close witb inlaws that attend my church. The kids were baptised at my church and Michelle is a member too.

God has already provided miracles and blessings through this, and we believe He brought Michelle to this and will bring her through it. The kids are back in school and having facetime with Mom in Skype and I do not know when they are going back down to see her. DS was able to drive hjs sister ans friend back up to home Saturday when thjs occurred.

Lots of prayers needed.
Thanks, Dave


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
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NW Indiana
Praying. I have a request too, a fb friend lost her husband to an heart attack this week. She has 6 year old twins and 2ish year old. Absolutely breaks my heart. We've been a part of a mom support group for over 6 years.