True BYH Addict
10,000 ft ^2 is correct. Thay is a little less than 1/4 acre.
How many you can keep is dependent on amount of forage avaialble and amount of suplimental feed offered. Just make sure they are not eating everything down too far and offer suplimental feed if it gets to short and you will be fine. In my opinion, too far is under 6" of grass. I suspect with that much space anything over 3 little goats will require supplimental feed unles it is really lush.
I suggest running a fence across the middle so you can move them from one to the other regularly. It helps with pasture and parasite management. For great pasture move your chickens opposite the goats. Goats in one half of the pasture, chickens in the other, then swap. The chickens will clean up the parasites and repopulate the field.
How many you can keep is dependent on amount of forage avaialble and amount of suplimental feed offered. Just make sure they are not eating everything down too far and offer suplimental feed if it gets to short and you will be fine. In my opinion, too far is under 6" of grass. I suspect with that much space anything over 3 little goats will require supplimental feed unles it is really lush.
I suggest running a fence across the middle so you can move them from one to the other regularly. It helps with pasture and parasite management. For great pasture move your chickens opposite the goats. Goats in one half of the pasture, chickens in the other, then swap. The chickens will clean up the parasites and repopulate the field.