Promise Acre: Our Journey


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
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NW Indiana
Thanks Ragdollcatlady. we're really excited, it sucks I have to be so cautious but it'll be worth it.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Just when you think you'll never sell a critter, you sell three in one day. :cool: Bella the donkey went to her new home and got deposits on two ewe lambs. DH was like why'd you sell the ewe lamb with the nice horns?? He'd have me keep ALL of them if I'd let him. I told him if we get an unrelated ram I'd consider keeping more. So down to a dog, a mini horse and 1 ram lamb to find new homes for. At this point am feeling well and DH is helping helping helping, we got the 5 older lambs seperated for weaning last night so they and the horses need vaccines this weekend. Praying that I continue to do well on the light duty so we don't have deal with bedrest!


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Lambs and the yearling ewe all went to their new homes. Very happy and DH gets new tires for his hay rake. Nice to be able to put something back into the "farm" And the money from the donkey is going towards gelding Nautilus my mini stallion. Still doing ok on "Light" duty healthwise but if i over do things I know it... :( Decided to sell the pony we "rescued" from my cousin this spring. Maybe next year we'll look at another one but sill to have 4 ponys just sitting around b/c I can not work with them. He can be really difficult to catch and I just dont' need that right now.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Garden is growing (including the weeds) I have been able to harvest some green onions, lettuce and spinach.

I got sick about 2 weeks ago, doing better but couldn't even look after my kiddos for a week! Baby is still doing ok. Had friends from our Church weed the garden, look after the kids, DH did ALL the chores... was tough. But slowly can do things again. All I know was it was some type of infection, they did rule out measles.... :hu
Going to wean the last 3 lambs soon.

Had to cancel Nautilus' surgery due to me being sick so now will wait until fall when it's not fly season.
DH has jumped into garden tractor pulling, we now have 3 tractors all that need work. It's not my thing but he enjoys it. And it gives DS an chance to pedal tractor pull. He got 3rd place and 4th place this weekend! :clap


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Not much going on. Been in the garden weeding almost daily, and feeling overall good. Got someone coming to see Cloud tomorrow. Our dog went to a very good home last week. Debating on chickens now.... Really wish we had time for the "growing pen/coop" I have a 10 x 10 dog pen but no coop. And I really need to get some of the chickens out sooner than later. :( DH has been making hay plus overtime again so.... not sure I'll get my coop built to get some the younger chickens separated. Oh well so is the life. May just have to put my breeding pens/groups off till the future.
Sheep are looking good. they all need vaccinated/dewormed/hooves done and the 3 younger boys need weaned so hoping we can get that done soon AND all at once. Well the 3 younger ones will need another set of vaccines.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Well all seems well with the baby and pregnancy other than I lose steam pretty quickly (even compared to my other pregnancies). Despite that I was able to pick & put up 21 qts of green beans last week. Yesterday I picked peas, usually only plant peas for fresh eating but they are out doing theirselves, well the Sugar Snap variety is. I picked about 18 qts, and will be putting them in the freezer.
I've sold several chickens so am down to 31, actually egg production is up, despite 5 of the sold ones being layers. Between the pullets maturing and reducing stress in the coop I think I've made the right decision. Still wouldnt' mind selling a couple of more, but it is more managable. Though I wish DH would clean the coop when I ask him too (not when he has "time"). Our sheep pens are atrocious! I guess atleast there's no enclosed area.
Was talking to DH last night he pointed out that we could be feeding a steer on what we are feeding the flock of 13 sheep. All the lambs are not weaned, one smaller twin ram lamb can slip out thru the hay feeder and gates.... rotten thing. He was supposed to be my keeper but not impressed with his growth.Still haven't gotten anyone to help me corral and get them all vaccinated, dewormed and hooves checked(this isn't a 1 person job in ANY case). Also RP has been somewhat challenging both me and DH, not too bad Do not know if the ewes are coming into heat or he is just feeling honery b/c I've limited his grazing time... Yea I'm getting over the sheep. They are fun, and interesting to own, hardy and mostly easy to raise BUT..... I'm over it. So asked DH "what if" we just sold the flock.... he didn't say yes, but didn't say no. His thing is he doesn't like to "give" up something we've started. They are smaller breed and they take longer to to get decent size for butchering. Lady we got them from said she butchered at 5 months but they'd only be like 30-40#! Sorry not enough meat on a lamb that size! Maybe it's just this "complicated" pregnancy but I feel like we tried them out BUT maybe they just aren't for us... I WOULD love to sell them and get my Fjord.... but we Desperately need a barn so $ towards that would take us a lot closer to my other goals and we'd have our own place to store the hay DH is making. IDK- guess we will see.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
So... no only did we travel to the state fair yesterday we brought home another Velveteen Lop, a doe of course!

She is a broken opa and her name was opal, but John didn't like that. so he renamed her Alena. :) She's so very sweet! Not sure when we'll start breeding but we bought 4 cages too so on our way to having a rabbitry.

State fair was great! We didn't get to see EVERYTHING but did see a lot including GIANT pumpkins and monster trucks. With me not being 100% we went thru the barns but didn't go down EVERY aisle. it was still fun.


On the chicken front the pullets have started on laying very well! :) which is GREAT!
On the sheep front RP is being a BIG pain and until further notice he will be not being put out on pastures b/c of his bad attitude with me. If something needs done in his pen DH will take care of it. I will throw his hay over the fence. He doesnt' head butt me but has been continuing to challenge me. :mad: I keep telling him that he's going to end up on the wall, floor and freezer. Though he'd probably make us bit of cash if I decide to sell. we haven't commited to selling the flock but have someone intersted in another ram lamb(the one who keeps escaping from being weaned) if I also sell an unrelated ewe. So I told them I'd sell Little Barbie, I love her sillieness. But she hasn't thrown any great lambs. Though her ewe lamb from this year shed out very nicely she is polled and not much color. I would like at least one more lamb crop from RP then may seriously think about selling him. I have 2 ram lambs I could replace him with that I wouldnt' mind seeing what they throw.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Well I put the sheep flock up for sale, DH isn't thrilled but if we're both "over" it and he barely has time to help with cleaning my coop, much less the sheep shelters, ect. I have two ewes pending pick up and no "real" bites on the rest. There is a exotic sale coming up in October may just take all that is left there (other than 2-3 boys to be butchered). Because of the sale I probably have them priced a bit high for fall sales but why sell just for someone to resell at the auction. Hoping to have some cash to save back for a start of a small barn and maybe a large driving/riding pony. Though DH isn't liking the thought of another hay burner.... but am working on him. We are SO close to a state park I just have been wanting to trail ride more again.
Also may be taking Winston the bunny to his first show next month. Trying to figure out child care, as I'm not sure the kids would be thrilled to sit and wait at a bunny show for most the day. IDK will figure something out.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Still no "real" bites on the rest of the flock... debating on if I should lower price, make different "package" deal or what. Definately want to at least reduce the flock... but am not giving them away. I really do not like selling livestock, too many people think they are doing you a favor by "taking" them off your hands.
I am down to 28 chickens, still trying to move 4 more... but found someone with some Legbar pullets.... good price too. Lost a 1 yr old hen to wry neck, I really think she was injured.... but am finally getting plenty of eggs.
Garden is winding down, and is full of weeds, picked all the pumpkins as its' been so wet. got 7 good ones and 3 went to the sheep.