Happy Birthday PQVT! Yes I too hope you are weathering the storm okay. I can't imagine how you are going to deal with having lambs in a blizzard! Good luck!
Nemo has not been a problem for us. We got some snow, but not too much.
I hung some tarps up in doorways to the barn to block the wind and gave them more bedding. The girls all look very comfortable, but STILL NO LAMBS!!!!! There are several ewes that are so close........
I did have a nice birthday. We didn't do much, but I did get a few nice gifts. My mom gave me one of the queen size wool blankets that we had made last time we sent wool off. Love it! I was very warm and cozy last night. I had actually been wanting one, but I didn't want to ask.
STILL NO LAMBS! I stayed home from church because someone was looking "suspicious". She had really dropped, had sunken sides, her udder is really full, and she kept stretching, but nope.....nothing.
The Shetlands aren't due until middle of March/beginning of April. I can't wait either! One of them is very large, she might only have twins, but I'm kind of thinking 3 (or 4??).
The ewes hanging out in the barn. They are being bad sheepies and NOT having lambs.
This is our "barn". It used to be 2 sheds facing each other, but then we joined them with a roof to give the ewes more covered space. I put the tarp up across the entrance yesterday.
Rosa the Shetland (before the snow)
Inna, Rosa's 2012 daughter. She is such a character! A bit like a goat, you cannot keep her in a pen. She follows us around and tries to help with projects. She adores my uncle, it is so cute to watch. He calls her "Lady-girl" and she stands there staring up at him.
Eating my coat.....
Galadriel is 8 and she's had 12 lambs over in the past 7 years. She had triplets her 1st year and triplets last year. I think she'll have 3 again this year.
Tawnie, also 8, is our last Romney ewe. She is probably not bred, but we didn't want to breed her. She was supposed to be culled last fall, but that hasn't happened yet. :/
Squoze - 3/4 Border Leicester 1/4 Dorper. She was our 18 lb lamb from last year.