That IS an awesome barn . Looks like y'all did a great job merging the two sheds, you can't even tell they were ever separate. And the flock looks in great shape too. You're going to have them spitting out babies left and right . Best of luck for a great lambing season for you .
I'm really happy with the barn set-up now. It is awesome having all that covered area for them. Now it just needs more light! My dad was going to work on that last weekend, but then he hurt his back and for some reason he didn't want to be up on a ladder......
I cannot wait for the 1st ewe to lamb. I'm dying from anticipation. I did a barn check at 10:30 pm, 1 am, and 6:30 am because Lyd was "97.9%" sure that Penny was in labor. Nope. Nothing. Good thing the barn is so close to the house.
I have this horrible feeling that they are waiting for Thursday when it is just me and the 2 year old all day.
So you remember those geese I got in December? I still have 4 of them - 2 grays and 2 whites. I was hoping to figure out genders and keep a pair. The 2 grays have recently taken to chasing my female pekins around. It is only the gray geese doing the chasing and so far they have only gone after the female ducks. Does this mean the grays are males or just nasty females?
Sounds like males to me. We had the same thing happen with our Indian Runner ducks and our Pekins. But there were two male Indian runners, and they ended up fighting with each other. We had to get rid of one because the other pecked or bit at it's neck so much it lost all of its feathers.
Nothing on the lamb front? I've got one ready to go any minute now, too.